More freedom = more good

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Why do these people want to murder babies so badly?

Well it would have to stop at the state level because it's the states that license and certify the doctors who perform the abortion. But yeah, if someone wants to attempt one on themselves, they should have the freedom to do so.

Why do you hate freedom so much?

>More freedom = more good
yeah nah.
i dont think it would be beneficial to you if i start using my freedom by killing you

Same with gun laws and I'm behind it.

how about if you have an abortion you can't receive gibs for 1 year. If you have time to fuck around and get pregnant you have time to work a job

they 'want males to care' ultimately
about 'them' and the 'choice' they 'can' make
just attention whores - any mother that would willingly murder her child has zero value genetically - that's the truth - nobody 'actually' cares about them (not even people pretending to care about the issue - because they know the 'value' of such a failed mother) - they are desperate for anyone to care about the 'issue'

This + mandatory sterilization

Imagine killing babies is normalised, nay, a human right! How humanity has fallen. Sad.

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I agree, as long as a women gets punished for having a sexuality I'm all for it

it's a very Jewish industry
it's a cash cow, including government funding

ask the spartans

Yeah Australiafag, imagine that. What's the abortion law in your country again?

Can we apply the same for taxes? Individual decision as to how much we pay to the State

I create more freedom by saving babies from murderous cunts. The more people alive the more freedom there is to be had. I'd likely support abortion if we'd only start with the mother.

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I thought all these people were supposed to move to Canada in 2016.

It should be a capital offense. Individuals shouldn't be able to murder healthy babies, in any zip code.

Sacrificing a human baby is one of the most profane things you can do. That's also why they want to circumcise the ones that didn't get aborted.

Why are you so obsessed about giving the government more power over people?

I think abortion should be illegal for Whites, we have adoption for that. All non-Whites should be encouraged.

If you want to leave the decision to end a life up to individuals does that mean I get to decide if you live or die also ? Because I pick die ...

Even more based. Liberal containment zones.

Moloch worship.

Can you explain to me why, a person cant do what they want with their body. If they want to keep or not keep an optional thing why does it matter to you?

A baby is optional. Nobody needs one. You dont die if you dont have a baby.

Cool so as long as we are free to kill people, let’s start with you.

Welcome to the Kaliyuga
Now let’s welcome The Golden Age
With Kalki rider of White Horse at the tip of the spear

Why are you so obsessed with killing people?

abort leftists

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I am perfectly content leaving the decision & terms of service / compensation up to the 3 primary stakeholders in an abortion.

A baby didn't choose to be born. If people are free to have agency over copulation they should also have the responsibility of taking care of children that eventually come from that act. A mother is only a temporary "landlord" for the fetus, yet that does not give her the right to kill her "tenant" for he/she did not choose to move in, the mother did.

I would agree abortion is fine in the case of rape, severe abnormalities of the fetus or if the mother's life is in danger due to birth for some reason.

The state has a legitimate right to punish. I believe deliberately terminating a healthy pregnancy is murder, and should be punished by law.

All this society, and once you take away any women's privileges - not rights - it's suddenly time to go full anarchy. It's like watching a 3-year-old have a temper tantrum.

It hasn't even been that long yet, what happened to the sex strikes that they threaten with every time?

Modern America has proven that “freedom” is a concept that the masses aren’t capable of using wisely.
Freedom was a mistake.

3 landmarks to remove the soul from a woman.

1) Break up with a guy
2) sell her pussy
3) murder her unborn

Once they have completed all three, they are barely human anymore.

I don’t care about them. I personally don’t believe women should have the right to select mates without approval from their families, vote, or participate in the workforce outside the home, and I think abortion is murder. Most normiecons only hold the latter of those two opinions. Shit like Roe v. Wade happened because we let women into the political process, and women being what they are by nature have female in group bias and a care and harm based moral framework that is not conducive to running a civilization.