In yet another display of pro-Putin fanaticism in Brazil, criminals have mugged a couple of ukrainian refugees, stole their phones and stabbed the woman (>pic related) when she dared resist the brazilian hospitality.

Attached: ukraine-girl.jpg (640x360, 37.66K)

Not my problem.

Based Putin stikes over the globe with his nazguls.

Attached: g20 bolsanaro.png (576x573, 565.16K)


She must have immigrated to some nigger infested city.
It's very likely that the culprit is some Rio de Janeiro Nigger.

She should have immigrated to the whiter South Brazil instead.

Attached: Brazil demographics.png (680x660, 279.43K)

Criminals refuse to give back the taken property to the ukrainian embassy.

We do not acknowledge their independence.

Ucranianos não são humanos

How accurate is that image tiago?

Attached: 1652495254250.jpg (1150x1299, 737.64K)

Why do people go to the shittiest place in this hellhole?

That is brutal. I don't support it. Ukrainians are friendly and kind people, just retarded a bit. Next time you better stab Poles, they're evil NPCs pro-programmed to hate Russia.

Yeah you definitely look like that

I wonder how many huemonkeys got stabbed by hohols

don't care

We are sorry.

But we will only return the stolen property when Ukraine becomes Russia again.

By then we cannot guarantee it won't have been sold for crack or baile funk tickets.

>Mugged and Stabbed

I always say that they are safer in Ukraine but people just laugh

This 2nd map is more accurate & detailed
since it breaks down by county/district.

Attached: Brazil racial map.png (3372x2072, 1.27M)

They unironically are.

Brazil's murder rates are smaller than the war rates.

Brazilians are christian nafris basically.

Attached: face of a nafri.jpg (390x699, 63.88K)

Naive White people traveling to racially diverse areas reminds me of those environmentalist retards like Timothy Treadwell who think they can live among dangerous wild animals because they have a spiritual connection with them. I don't even understand how these people can exist from an evolutionary perspective. You'd think that anyone who didn't have strong threat and pattern recognition capabilities in their brains would have been killed off thousands of years ago.

This is the fate of any White person going to Brazil, based on gore videos

Oh no, that sucks

Attached: 1652389100053.png (768x719, 148.49K)

stupid pig, dont resist our hospitality next time. also wtf are they even doing here?

Attached: 1651784254060.jpg (1125x1125, 638.67K)

Reminder that: USA is close to become Brazil 2.0.

Becoming more & more a 3rd world shithole like Brazil with:
Huge Wealthy gap.
Urban violence.
Tons of brown (spics and niggers)
Super Inflation.
House prices skyrocketing.
Homeless & Drug epidemic.
Occasional Shortages (power, food, water, etc)
Expensive healthcare
Shitty public education.
Etc. More & more alike.

Brazil big cities are mostly ruled by Commies just like how USA big cities are ruled (and ruined) by leftist Democrats.
At least Brazil president is right-wing and without dementia.

Brazil rural areas, towns, & mid-size cities ruled by right-wing are getting /comfy/.
But Brazil leftist big cities are getting worse and worse just like USA leftist cities.

Soon USA will become Brazil 2.0.
And Brazil will aproach Africa shithole levels.
At least life in Brazil is still way better than Africa.

Attached: China vs USA.png (779x600, 347.92K)