Shitcoiners are getting rekt

shitcoiners are getting rekt

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Yeah but nobody would invest 250 million is some cryptocurrency

You think so?

okay so you're saying I need to invest 6 cents into luna and then go back in time 1 month.

thanks for the tip

I bought $20 of Luna yesterday for $0.000025 and now it's worth $185

But what happened? Did someone tank it on purpose?

You did? Wow

Nooo. That’s not how it works!

el salvador

Hopefully it will bring down the price of the miners and I can finally afford to buy some miners.

What are the odds this goes back up, even to like $5? Might be worth investing a couple hundred bucks, don't care if I lose it

Damn, shoulf have bought this shitcoin for 10k a few hours ago to sell now.

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crypto coins are the future shit boomer nigger

It’s a broken product, only thing you can do is game the system through arbitrage.

Luna is not truly a pure crypto it's a protocol and one with a retarded game theory at that.

El Salvador will be one of the richest countries on the planet in 2030

0 it has shit game theory it's not based on scarcity like btc, ltc, or even monero and dogecoin.

it was a protocon that inflates to keep a parity and could only work if luna went up non stop.

This is the opposite of let's say bitcoin that operates at a constant doing the same simple stuff and it's decerase in supply causes the price to go up.

The game theory was retarded from the start, that's not to say all algoritmic stablecoins are bad, DAI is overcollateralized and works well.

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if it could recover in anyway it would mean you can just create trillionaires from thin air

people both thousands or maybe even millions of those coins at the bottom. But at some point they will have to think how to cash out. Every pump will be sold and will create whole new set of bag holders


In this age of hypeinflation, where fiat dollars are worthless, why would you not expect imaginary fiat dollars to be even more worthless?

Okay so you can buy crypto with real money, but can you sell crypto for real money?

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How do people get scammed

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Provided you pay a fee on exchange.

Awesome. Go for it. Don't forget to sell on time.

>literally half the threads on Any Forums are about catching the falling luna knife
Any Forums is actually retarded

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What nocoiners don’t understand is, you only lose money if you sell at a point lower than you bought. In a few months when the market bounces back, they’ll be just as silent as they always are. Absolute bottom rung of understanding, they were too dumb in life to ever make money so they get boners at the thought of others becoming as poor as them.

Meanwhile I’m sitting in a comfy house on 2 acres, with a pool, all bought, no mortgage, with funds almost entirely made from crypto. And I still have 150 grand in stored crypto, even with the puked markets. Suck my dick faggots

I feel bad when I lose £10 and there's niggers out there suicide stacking and hoping, utterly insane

If crypto is so profitable, why do you want others to join?

what makes 'der boomer' hate crypto so much? Not even the shittiest of shitcoins is a bigger scam than the Federal Reserve System.

>nocoiners don’t understand is, you only lose money if you sell at a point lower than you bought
true, I'm hoping I can ride out the bear market before touching my funds

I’ll throw you a bone though - as the world continues to transition to digital currency (cryptos were white boarded in the 70s by Davos/WEF elite think tanks, slowly perfected and released finally in the 90s), the ISO20022 coins are going to dominate. Alongside the CBDCs of course but you probably won’t be able to directly invest in those. This is all part of the Great Reset -> Great Rebuild

>when the market bounces back
what bounce? most of the people who wanted to get into crypto already are in. I think half of the people bought bitcoin after the ATH. With Luna crash many people were wiped out. Bottom feeders used 100x leverage and were probably wiped out as well. All the other people who thought of crypto as a scam have now more than ever reason to distrust it.

Best days are already over and the only think you like it becasue you got earlier than most and were smart enough to cash out some of it

That's a solid argument until you realize it's never coming back for Luna. Why are coin shillers the same as groomers in that they have to recruit people for their cult to make it work?