Fuck Netflix

Netflix is ruining Resident Evil with a shitty series adaptation; they shit all over the story and have an all non-White cast despite the Resident Evil characters being White and the show being based in Britain. Fuck these Jews.

This is political because White people are getting phased out of media, it’s not just a character here or there, it’s fucking everyone. (Cast in pic rel)

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Don't worry. Netflix won't exist soon at the rate its going.

>Mar 6, 2022 12:30pm PT Netflix Suspends Service in Russia Amid Invasion of Ukraine

They will make no profits from this but they won't go broke because Blackrock ESG's

Sucks to see this happen, the newest Resident Evil movie sucked hard enough.
God willing.

fag take but i love the high likelihood that their clothes are made in southeast asia.
imagining the supply chain collapse resulting from these sorts of people being in power puts a silly "this is temporary' text over the whole image.

bongs are cucks

I taught my cousin how to pirate instead of paying for netflix garbage.

Cancelling Netflix today. I will pirate f1 show. They want to cancel me I cancel their pay check.

well they knew the audience for Resident Evil has always been niggers and women and nigger women so this casting only made a hell of a lot of sense

So it's all niggers and gooks, so what? Chill out

you now realize the point of blackrock esg is to disenfranchise white men, and ultimately eliminate them. the money doesn't matter, they just print an infinite amount. forever loans for all non-whites as long as you promise to genocide whites, and you don't have to pay them back. white men will

>still partaking in degeneracy
It is time. Read your bible.

What's the problem, most of them niggers will die, right?

you are faggot

The absolute dump taken on the lore of the games pisses me off more than black main characters ever could. Hell I wouldn't even mind it if they were like Kenneth Sullivan's granddaughters or something.

But man, fuck TV executives shitting on over 25 years of storytelling and lore.

>black person is on TV
imagine being this weak

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It's not about that retard

>fag take
>talks about there clothes instead

It will flop. Nobody likes looking at ugly dysgenic faces

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i’m rooting for Umbrella Corp

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36k Likes/180k Dislikes

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Why are they putting black ppl on tv shows? Do blacks even watch Netflix?

I exclusively watch Korean kinos these days

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>an all non-White cast
>show being based in Britain

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Who cares. No one will watch this shit anyway.

it isn't just netflix ruining things it's everybody relying on "market research"