
Fuck you edition.
Come fight me cunt.

Attached: kangar.jpg (474x259, 15.4K)

>fucked up subject
yeah, janny
go ahead and shoah this one too

Pic related is you?

kind of wanna vote pauline for the volcano commentary

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Suck my cock fuckhead

Come fight me then Italy? faggot nigger piece of shit.

nothing wrong with a bit of papercraft and origami

I just started a thread. fuck you for undoing all my hard work

this isnt fucking real right

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I pee in your mouth australian aboriginal

it's all good. OP is a dyslexic retard

I'm in shithead. Fuck this gay thread I made. Get fucked and suck my cock faggot.

>t. 5'5
oh no no no dago please

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I can't take Kangaroos seriously anymore ever since I saw one getting absolutely plowed by some dude posted on here

i think it's a publicity stunt from some feminist politician or something. very old.

yes? she went to parliament in a burka like theres something wrong with that

Is that the new Sam Hyde pic everyones raving about?

>supporting child rapists to own le ebil liberals

Well, discourse is very fruitful here.
>Protest in melbourne today
>As well as the rest of the protests around australia
>Go today
>Potentially the biggest crowd of the year
>Before this week, marching routes have been longer than the ones last year at the big ones
>This week's march was supposed to end at flagstaff gardens, consistent with last year's marches
>about half the protestors said fuck Vic freedom movement and one of the organizers and decided to deviate from the patch discussed with police liaison
>As a result, cunt in a truck didn't stop properly for a roadblock as cops didn't respond to organic march ignoring the original route.
>Truck almost runs over a family
>Truckie comes out and punches on with some of the demonstrators
>Other dramas involving another car and a few cops that may or may not have been injured
>Effectively, the protest got split and the people who deviated didn't have a clear leader for better or worse.
>This week's protest was one of the bigger significant ones
A problem now is a clash of or the growth of the egos of people who do organize or lead.
Lot's of melbourne protestors play a bit of musical chairs as far as leadership goes as after the main cunts went off to canberra, too many people fancy themselves leaders to feed their egos. There is unfortunately a bit of a divide between organizers and hopefully they get their heads out their arses and realize that anyone who does lead is another cog in this machine and does so in the most humble manner possible.

it was an anti burka statement fuck head

add a cape in picrel or fuck you

That’s sud “Italy” my dear Asdrubale, sud like your shit hole country. I live north you fuckin subhuman

painful to read


Structure of the greentxt or general accounts of the happenings today?
