Why are americans so addicted to their car...

Why are americans so addicted to their car? They cannot imagine living in a normal town and walking to work and the stores?

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Amerifats can't walk very far

I drive 50k km's per year, fuck public transport

i walk everyday, i love being a NEET.
stop contributing already faggot wage slaves become a nigger, eat steal and work out all day and start a gang

Again obsessed with Americans Sven ? If you are so happy with your transportation live, why the fuck do you care about others ?

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I walk 8-9 miles a day as a city fag. I walk to work, 1-1.5 miles. I walk at least 5-6 miles at work and I walk another 1-1.5 miles back home.

t. stationed at Ramstein

Ah, this is where the metric system starts to break down then.

Nein du Depp. Aber diese Obession mit dem amerikanischen Alltag ohne sich auch nur ansatzweise im Vorfeld zu informieren hat schon etwas pathologisch pathetisches.

I highly dount that Swdes outside of Stockholm, Göteborg or Norköpping our celebrating public transport. Especially in the ndgsyhorth of the country.

because with a car, you can go anywhere

your whole backwoods country has less people than most major cities.

>walking to work

walking is for poor niggers that cant afford cars

Not really; I drive 50.000km's a year

sweet dream

I drive a car, ride a bicycle and a motorcycle.

As they say in Estonia, "Ligma."

I have enough money to live within walking distance of everything I need in a nice location.
If I was poor I would certainly get a car. Fuck public transport.

Because freedom, I love being able to go where ever i want when ever I want. Who cares if I have to breathe toxic fumes and stay stuck in traffic next to literal NPC's.

Mr Sheklestein just let me put a down payment on a brand new Ford F150, boy are my neighbors sure going to be jealous that im driving a 2023 car haha

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>just walk 3 hours to work, 6 hours round trip.

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>It's yet another Europeans hopelessly obsessed with America thread
It's tiresome being superior sometimes.

This thread smells like envy and poor people.

is that way newfriend


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I can't drive.

Me neither. Taking a driving theory test today.

Americans are gay. Cars are gay. Lots of cars means lots of gays.

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There's a difference to needing a car to go anywhere and the freedom to go anywhere. US is deeply rooted to needing a car because they love their sprawn and shit zoning laws that don't make walkable neighborhoods. I love my car but I'd hate to need it for a small grocery trip

I meant that this seems about where the unit should switch from km to Mm or something.

This is the most organic thing ever.

I'm with the Eurotrash/NWO/Klaus Schwab on this one. Fuck cars. I love trains and buses.

I love all city-based public assets. I love library and schools. I love the public airwaves and use then often.

Fuck cars.

why do pigskins think that someone should live their way?

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Because mass transit has been very intentionally and purposefully crippled in their country for over a hundred years by now, until it turned into completely useless, unworkable, niggerified death traps in cities designed and built entirely around cars.

Have you ever been in an american city? Its a burgerpunk hellscape, you literally cant fix literal fucking decades of infrastructural mismanagement and niggers infesting everything, you would literally need trillions of dollars, and piss upwind for years against companies trying to preserve the profitable status quo.

Its beyond repair, just let it go.

I didn't think any of you actually existed, VPNfriend.

Cars are cool, buses are filled with society's lowest common denominators, bicycles are ridden by fags, and our roads are bad enough as is.

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