What's your exit method if the food shortages get too bad? I don't fancy slowly starving to death

What's your exit method if the food shortages get too bad? I don't fancy slowly starving to death

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this thread was moved to /bongfaggotretards/

you vill eat ze bugs

Killing suburbanites and eating them

I'll just go to greggs lad

NPCs will have to youtube how to grow food


wow such hard. on the plus side all fags and city dwellers will die because they cannot just put a seed in a soil pot

I'm rich. So it doesn't affect me. Nothing does.

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>Beef, eggs, butter, cheese
Lol as if. Bread and s.0.y

Got a bag of charcoal and a lighter.

>What's your exit method if the food shortages get too bad?
taking your food

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Don't you British folks have lawns in front of your houses. Right now is the potatoe planting seson. You can expect harvest in august.

This. I'm just going full raider. I'd go cannibal too.

I have garden and gun

This. I will never go hungry.

I'll just start eating all the chinks and pajeets. Hopefully they don't taste as bad as they smell.


I'm cattle rustling dairy cows and gonna be a cheese baron, sell butter, and milk. Get me Cleatus, Bobby, and Jim, and we gonna load up a modified flat bed to a old down farm with cows. Nothing but milking and smoking meth.

OP is living the low-carb dream.

Simple as.

Gibe, nao!

Well, I am in Canada so my chances are better then most of the world.

Planing is good, but truth is anything can happend to fuck all the plans right up, so the only thing I can fully rely on is me and take it from there if it comes to that.
Divirsification of knowledge and skills is key overall.

I will just die. I refuse to live in this gay ass world without comfort.
You owe me star colonization, nothing less, gay world.

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I say this every fucking time I open the window at work and the bugs near the light fly into my mouth when I have to speak!

And it's bug time of the year again!

stockpile dry rice and beans as well as salt and seasonings

Weak ass bitch is ngmi.

What a retarded egomaniac. India and Africa will experience such shortages tenfold and you'd have to share half of what you got.

while that weakass bitch is finally free of all the shit in the world, you'll be suffering for long because you're so le hardcore and edgy xx

>the food shortages get too bad
It is impossible to have a food shortage in Europe.

My plan is to hit blue soft targets for supplies and for fun.

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What a retarded ration! Legumes (not s o y) are much cheaper and full or proteins. Add some eggs (preferably from your own chickens) and vegetables, and you're ready to go.

long pork

i’ll eat goyim

My exit method is bombing Brussels and all other EU institutions, twice.

Didn't know so many faggots were on Any Forums.
Oh wait, I did, they've been shilling for Ukraine for months.

thats boring, i confess i prefer life as the average poor person in spain, when i have money its too boring

go to farm and slaughter a chicken if it doesn't have any fresh eggs

>"Oy vey stop worrying about starvation and just ship more supplies to us!"

Why not both? I will raid and hoard food like a jew and gold.

I know right, let's just dump all our resources in Ukraine to inevitably be taken over by Russia, seems like a great strategy.

>"Oy vey stop worrying about starvation and just ship more supplies to us!"
Who cares about hunger in nigger shitholes anyway?

Well niggers aren't human, so it's not cannibalism right?

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