Explain this Any Forums

Two Asian raised in separate nations show a striking different in IQ. It's a 16 point different.

To put this into perspective, if the smarter twin had an IQ of 100, then the dumber's IQ would be 84.

Does this mean black people's intelligence are effected by environmental factors rather than genetic?

Redpill me.


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Yes, enviroment plays a really important aspect, but the reality is that genetics still are present.

While most retards will focus on genetics and eugenics the elites are making sure our enviroment/education makes us as dumb as possible.

You know very well Africa would look like paradise if it was made up of whites instead of niggers. Don't blame the environment.

>Does this mean black people's intelligence are effected by environmental factors rather than genetic?
You can't raise someone's capacity beyond their natural ability, but you can lower it. Iodine deficiency can cause a 5-10 point loss in IQ alone. Eating enough doesn't make you smarter, but not having it makes you dumber.
The USA has done everything in its power to raise the IQ of its black population for 100 years and nothing has worked. They stay stuck at an average in the low 80s. That's simply as high as they can go.

The final solution has been to bleach them. White women are already on board.

The HBD spergs never said that there is no environmental effects on IQ. USA makes people retarded we’ve known this for a while, but it makes niggers more retarded than anyone else, because they’re already starting lower.

And white men are bleaching latinas and asians so I can't be too sanctimonious

Modern psychology studies are all bogus misreads of data and omissions trying to deny reality.

Hang yourself OP

I think more tests may be needed, because twins raised under the same conditions can have different IQ levels

Checked, but that hasn't worked either. The black male always fails as a father and children raised in broken homes have lower IQ too.

IQ has a 15 point variability.
A diligent person with a good environment will get that +15 from their genetic baseline.
A lazy individual who does not have enough food on the other hand will subtract up to 15 points from their base line.

This, it's both. There can be smart blacks they are just really rare and not worth the crime and moral rot the other >95% bring

IQ is all BS
1) you can train for these tests.
easy difference of up to 50pts.
2) there's no international standardization meaning you're comparing apples not with bananas but basketballs

REAL smart is as it has always been:
training aka repition and some discipline

what's happening in the US?
anti-goy brain zappers installed on top of every light pole?

It literally hasn't been 100 years, decolonisation was still occuring until the 90s and there was a lot of political meddling. Also nations that previously colonised the African countries lobbied very hard for keeping the borders the same, this means tribes that didn't jell well together suddenly found themselves competing for the same piece of land. No shit war and genocide was gonna happen when one of them suddenly rules a nation their enemy resides in.

Africa was pretty much a shit show untill the mid 2010s.

Also this article talks about Asian twins. To me it looks like environment factors can have as much as a 15/16 point difference in IQ. This is enough to level the playing field.

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>IQ is all BS
>1) you can train for these tests.
>easy difference of up to 50pts.
>2) there's no international standardization meaning you're comparing apples not with bananas but basketballs
>REAL smart is as it has always been:
>training aka repition and some discipline
yes, you are right shitlord
just have discipline and you can accomplish practically anything in this life (even if you lack nepotism). Just don't drink, don't get dumb women pregnant and don't waste time.

The dumber twin had 3 previous concussions which nobody wants to say but is in the study. Are you suggesting blacks have brain damage?

>USA makes people retarded we’ve known this for a while, but it makes niggers more retarded than anyone else, because they’re already starting lower.
No, American blacks are some of the highest IQ blacks you can point to. To put this into perspective, a white down syndrome with less severe cognative disability might have an IQ around 70. A 70 IQ is higher than the average of most every nation in Africa. Compared to Africans, American blacks are pure genius at 84 IQ... but that's still considered someone with a learning disability when IQ 100 is the baseline.


The dumber one had several head injuries. Media coverage often neglects to mention this.

Just saw Felix Rex video on that lol

IQ is inherited from the mother.
Most niggers descend from a white rapist.

>placed into the foster system
>reported a stricter, more religiously-oriented environment that had higher levels of family conflict.
It's not really a fair comparison. The twin who ended up in the US clearly had a destabilized and institutionalized early childhood separated from her real caregivers during the most important and sensitive developmental period in her life. Then she was raised by a dysfunctional bible thumper family. That's enough to fuck your brain for life.

>Does this mean black people's intelligence are effected by environmental factors rather than genetic?
No doubt about it. Especially in America there is substantial intergenerational trauma and disadvantage passed down among African Americans. Contemporary migrants from Africa tend to do very well in America. In the long run America will need to somehow reconcile with black people, because migration from South America will decline and eventually the youngest and most populous nations in the world will be African.


Pretty sure he was talking about niggers in civilized countries. And no. 15 IQ points is not enough to bring African nations to average, some of them are sitting on an average of under 70 now and most are right around that mark. Nigs in the US hover around 85 which is exactly what you get if you give Africans that extra boost, and if you’re looking at coons here and thinking “yeah, good enough!” you clearly have no positive ideations for the future of society. Even 100 isn’t really enough for a thriving society, you’d want to bring that up 5-10 points. Niggers aren’t going to get there, ever.

Not even niggers fuck their women, white boys definitely aren't raping them lmao

Hey check out this study
Yeah it's just on 2 twins
No it doesn't look at thousands of twins like existing adoption studies
How the fuck can this be called science? N is literally 1. You can't base an entire theory from 1 observation when there are so many other factors involved

>It's not really a fair comparison. The twin who ended up in the US clearly had a destabilized and institutionalized early childhood separated from her real caregivers during the most important and sensitive developmental period in her life
Sounds like an environmental factors rather than a genetic one.

You seem to be arguing for the point here.

>No doubt about it. Especially in America there is substantial intergenerational trauma and disadvantage passed down among African Americans...
Again you're arguing for the point not against it.

>Explain our meme (((scientific))) study.
Also one of them is American that's why it's subhuman.

Are you suggesting that they don't?

I'm not talking about African blacks. They have the IQ of small children. They're not improving at all. They're actually getting worse and worse. There are countries in Africa that have average IQ in the high 40s... which is mostly an estimate, because it falls below the bottom of the scale. The liberal sect blames this on some cope they term as "the flynn effect."

Ah fuck off turd, whites know what am talking about.

If Africans start multiplying to that degree and are overrunning the world, that’s it for civilization, being nice and paying reparations won’t make miracles happen you fucking shill