High tech country, Bombing arabs, Beautiful women

Why should i hate them?

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I love them, Jews are our brothers. Any Forums is just butthurt

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same reason no one give s a fuck about your faggot country

(((Yours))) maybe, not mine.

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Palestine, usury, the fact that Israel was destroyed 2,000 years ago when they thought it was a good idea to attack Roman legions, larping as whites while claiming it as their home, Palestine, thare's alot of reasons I wish them just fuck off and die
Allah Hu Ackbar

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Cause everything you mentioned is a lie?

We pay 250$ just so the municipality clears the garbage cans, you could probably survive for a month in belarus with that sum

You can suck their Zionist dicks all you want, and they'll keep fucking you and killing your loved ones slowly until it's your turn to be disposed of.

> Meme flag = absolute fag

Undermining its host...

Only libshit redditors and Any Forumsfags hate them. I am personally indifferent to this country, the seethe and attention its getting for every little stone thrown is just one big cope from arabs and their wokie bootlickers to cover their own shitty behavior.

Likewise every israel worshipper is a retarded christian/jew that thinks sending more money to this country will bring jesus back.

Its a shame they've forgotten all their socialist roots in the early 20th century though

I can imagine the hectoliters of sperm ejaculated to this face

Built for bbc

Its host? Last I checked, Israel is a sovereign nation. Are you on krokodil again, vatnik?

for being willy munchers to palestine. besides that i’m indifferent

>Its host? Last I checked, Israel is a sovereign nation.
Only with trillions of reparations and aid from EU and US

Aid or no aid, at this point I unironically believe that Israel would defeat Russia in war. So they're doing alright for themselves, I would say.


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>Beautiful women
those are Russian whores, not Jews

yeah but they are a country propped up exclusively by aid. if they didn’t have aid from the EU and america they would’ve collapsed in the 60’s. like at most now 5 years of no support from anyone and they get vaulted