Hate America Thread

Everyday I hate the USA more and more.

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Not my problem

Same. They are transphobic, homophobic, anti-vaxxer far-right racists

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>we need to import whore milks from canada

just imagine

I wish I could say it's unjustified
I really, really do
god i'm so tired of all this

canadian formula turns you gay so it was banned
canadians actually dont breastfeed interestingly because their babies are so gay they angrily refuse boobs. so all canadians are fed formula which turns them gayer

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The thing is, I don’t want to hate it.

Based. Why can't americans be more sane like australians and canadians?

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seethe moar, diklet.

Because The United States is comfy as fuck.
Everybody bitch at the US but no-one move here in Canada.

We don't even think about you.

Nice meme flag too. Get a job.

>Every other country is full of cucks
>You Americans should feel bad that you aren't as cucked as the rest of us!

I see no panic and chaos where I live. Are you sure the end is here?

Kikenwald fucks kids don't forget to remind his followers

I knew it was Drumpf's fault somehow

I was talking about it with a shill. Supposedly, companies were predatory cunts in the 70s and caused great suffering. Prices of formula here are up now. If I had a kid that needed it, I'd be pretty upset, no bully

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>German cunt ignores the actual protests in his own country

I hate subhuman Germans so much and wish we nuked them instead

I know it can be hard ausbro but why don't you just stop thinking about them?

>worrying about baby formula
Sorry, we have billions of dollars to give to ukraine and israel first.

But we can send tens of thousands of dollars worth of baby formula to Ukraine?

I love and hate America. I love America for their video games and entertainment turning me into docile consumer goy. I also hate America for their degeneracy that I feed off to. And making me mad for getting involved in their social politics and for turning everyone a outside of USA into mini Americans. I speak like an ESL zoomer nigger thanks to you guys! Eloquence is dead, ebonics and slangs dominate the lingua franca.

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Baby formula causes autism and is responsible for the tranny epidemic. If you're not going to feed your baby natural milk, don't have a baby.

Say, who was president all but 20 days of 2021? I don’t recall it being trump. So I guess the question becomes: if this issue was of such dire importance, why didn’t dim bulb do anything about it before the shit ran out?

>>we need to import whore milks from canada
Funny you should say that. China actually set up shop their to manufacture their baby formula products to bypass Chinese regulations, because they were caught doing sketchy shit in China a few years ago.
And then picrel started making some eerie predictions last year

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