Depp v. Heard


Expect major happening in coming days.
I suspect the trial may have to be suspended for some time due to new evidence.
I am loosely connected to said case.

Attached: 407F8FDA-3505-458E-9377-6872974D690E.jpg (232x203, 8.02K)

Its relevant
There would need to be an investigation regarding said evidence, hence the reason the trial will have to be suspended for some time.

What type of major ?? Epstein Major or Your average shitty Nothingburger Major??

It’s not Epstein type stuff.
It will make the news tho.

Spill the details of the evidence

Just for the record I’m not going to go into detail about what exactly the new evidence is.
I don’t tho I the authorities would be happy with me leaking that.

>nobody garbage
>major happening

i hope someone shoots OP in his faggot retard head and then kills his garbage retard parents who bred him

Memeflag, post proofs or larp more

Shut the fuck up meme flag, with your gay ass larp.

I’m not leaping I am connected (loosely) to this hence I’m going to go into detail.
I don’t think It something that can just be added into to evidence; there would need to be an investigation, and a person be arrested and charged.
That person isn’t Amber nor johhny.
Can’t say more than that.

Congrats you’re guilty of witness tampering.

Fuck off, "hey guys I totally have info you'll see, but I can't say just trust me!"
What a shit thread.

And your American lol

If I was leaping I’d make something up.
If I’m really connected to the case I wouldn’t be able to tell you everything as I’d get into trouble

nobody cares, wayne, you fucking loser

>there would need to be an investigation
why? how can something possibly illegal affect a civil defamation case? if someone is being indicted for perjury or lieing to the court, then maybe that is one thing but you have to give some area of info about what else could stop a trial which is not anything but an argument over facts. sounds bs 2bh

The dumbest shit in the world makes the news. I'm going to continue to not give a fuck about this distraction.

shche dva tyzhni

VI post best post

Ello, I am Jean Depp's cousin. E as told me somesing zat I cannot repeat. Ze trial will be suspend for a bit

You answered your own question.
You said how? But then gave an example of something that could affect the trial which needs investigation before trial can continue.

As I’ve mentioned before it’s nothing to do with Amber nor Johnny.

It’s not lying in court.
It’s nothing to do with them nor anybody that’s testified.

Good cause nobody cares