The obesity problem needs a solution

All over the western world, the obesity problem becomes more and more dangerous. People are getting fatter and fatter.

For example, I bet that most men here have a fatter butt than pic related.

What can be done about this? High taxes on fat and sugar? Promoting better parenthood? Initiate shame culture on fat people (like Japan)? It's getting worse every year, so what can be done to stop it?

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Anyone with a BMI over 30 should be given six months to get under that. If they fail, they gat euthanized.

Serious suggestions, please. Not the "kill all fatties, hurr durr" things.

dont allow lobbiest to have an effect on laws being passed including EBT purchases, school lunches, and the propoganda like "Got Milk?". Make it illegal for chinese immigrants to open businesses in shitty neighborhoods accepting welfare cards, then turning around and using THEIR welfare card to purchase supplies and commodities for their own stores. Mandate the knowledge of how to lose weight in primary schools based off of calories in vs calories out. The fat faggots on this board dont count as the layman because none of them leave the house or have a physical hobby. And niggers dont count, you cant teach them to read, what makes you think theyll be able to do simple math?

Ban personal cars in big cities. and or restrict the places a car can park as to make it uncomfortable for people to own a car. If people won't be able to take their car to work then they are going tt be forced to walk at least from home to the public transport station. Sugar taxes don't work. SO there really isn't a lot you can do.

tax fatties like grorious nippon

Ban the internet

Create a behavioral tax credit that is redeemable for any mixture of social services. Paid time off, child care credit, tax credit. Enhance the stipend for educated, married families with biological children, good health, etc. The single, obese, etc. get no access to this credit.

no. tax the ver loving motherfucking shit out of fatties. I can drive and drink doctor pepper all i want. I will not accept punishment for fat crimes. tax the motherfucking god damn ever loving unholy shit out of those fatties until they lose weight. They are aesthetic abominations, walking demoralizers, a reminder of everything I hate about the modern world. Tax them until they just stop eating, and then tax them until that causes them to become a normal weight.

they did that in philadelphia with the soda tax to "fund schools" and the money just went missing lol

Americans eat 24 percent more calories than in 1960 and it is almost exclusively from vegetable oils

that's taxing sodas. did I say "tax soda"? No, I said tax fatties. Tax the motherfucking fat fucks directly. Take money out of their god damn bank accounts, garnish their wages. The horror ends when they lose weight and stop eating like a god damn pig, sucking down 32 oz cokes and going to multiple drive thrus buying candy in bulk and scarfing it down on youtube mukbangs, tax them until they lose weight. the solution is very simple: it is to tax the ever loving motherfucking unholy god damn shit out of those fat fucks until they lose weight.

you realize majority of obese people in our shithole country are infact on government assistance programs such as welfare and NEETbux right? if i have to start paying more than 40% of my wages im going to do bad stuff

I would say shame culture works best. Look at Japan. They have the second highest density of McD restaurants in the world, yet their obesity problem is small.

Shame culture is so effective because it taps into the hive mind of people.


Add a tax on junk food like they did on cigarettes.

This thread,I’ve seen this thread

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But I like chubsters

People will just use e-bikes and e-scooters etc. Lazy fat disgusting fucks

if there's corn syrup in the label don't buy it.

this is the only diet i follow now and it's incredibly hard. my body craves the corn syrup

not gonna become a space race if we all look like we're from WALL-E. This is how you know the jews are leading us down a wrong path.

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The problem is not WHAT you eat, but HOW MUCH you eat.

and on the other hand how much you're exercising which leads to a whole bunch of other issues that you can't see and don't immediately affect you.

>Initiate shame culture on fat people (like Japan)?

one way would be to falsely promote fat-acceptance.
like, literally just push their fat acceptance agenda. that shit is cringe and I'd be ashamed to be fat while looking at those pictures.

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I agree that fat-shaming is the only way that really works.
But shaming is almost unheard of today. Moral objectivity is completely gone and every individual is his own moral lawgiver to use the words of Theodor Geiger.
We need a return to religiosity where morals are absolute and objective though dogmatic.