Jeff Bezos is unironically right. What the fuck does raising taxes on corporations have to do with inflation?

Jeff Bezos is unironically right. What the fuck does raising taxes on corporations have to do with inflation?

Attached: BIDEN BTFO.png (895x681, 121.88K)

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They only care when it effects them.

Trouble in shitlib paradise? Or just another clown show for the goyim? You decide.

If anything raising taxes would increase inflation, because the goverment always overspends so the money volume in circulation would increase from higher taxation on corporations.

Fuck Bezos. He directly benefited from the Federal Reserve’s continuous economic bail outs. There’s no way Amazon could have initially survived as a company that made no profit without massive capital injection. He’s a hypocrite, and only wants to protect his own wealth.

oy vey, don't you dare tax me, goyim!

I want off this ride

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Taxes are deflationary.

Damn, let em fight.

I want them to literally fight. Get in a boxing ring. Two bald old white bastards just beating the shit out of each other for our entertainment. Use 8 ounce gloves not that pussy 16 ouncers too.

Depends what they do with the money. Govt spending it instead of you won't change anything. they need to pay interest/debt for it to deflate.

This "tax duh ebil corporations" tweet was only to keep Berniebros on the reservation.

Raise taxes. Remove the money from circulation. The opposite of quantitative easing

That’s about as accurate as saying winning the lottery can make you poorer (happens often tbqh). Sure, it’s not wrong, but the taxes themselves are always deflationary regardless of what inflationary policies the government might go for as a response to increased revenue. And so bezos is still a dishonest hypocritical asshole who’s more than happy to benefit from fed gibs me dat which *directly* contributes to inflation.

>but the taxes themselves are always deflationary
Thats not true, because it assumes the corporation would have otherwise brought this money into circulation themselves which is possible but by no means guaranteed.

Yeah fucker hardly knows wtf is going on anymore. Almost certainly not posting his own tweets anyways.

>raising corp taxes is fine to discuss
Yeah because this fucking rat doesn't pay them anyway.

In times of plenty perhaps, but increasing taxes on corporations prods them to pass costs to consumers and decreases supply of already understocked goods.

Maybe politicians shouldnt get a pay check. Or oxygen.

Not sure how it works where you come from but corporations are taxed on revenue/profits, the money was already in circulation. They might have otherwise dumped it all in a bank account but that would be unusual.

no rich person pays taxes or respects any law. This imageboard is full of brain dead goyim or maybe retarded teenagers.
Imagine thinking that laws matter for the faggots at the top.

They're obviously connected, you just have to do them both at the same time. If you're going to raise corporate taxes you will also have to cap inflation. (((They))) will find a way to beat it.

Corporate idiots finally realize that their globohomo socialist masters are bad master indeed.


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people think the ministry of truth is neutral and will punish both sides equally??? ahahahaha stupid goyim

King Nigger was right, Joe has an innate talent to fuck everything up.

they are directly correlated.................................
stop simping for billionaires you retard

>Almost certainly not posting his own tweets anyways.
dolphinitely not. honestly the guy probably isn't allowed to access any internet connected device without supervision from his handlers

Lol yeah I’m sure bezos is taking lots of orders from joepedo.

>Maybe politicians shouldnt get a pay check.
For most their official pay is peanuts compared to their TOTALLY LEGIT income from TOTALLY LEGIT outside "sources".
>Or oxygen.
They already regulate carbon dioxide so we're halfway there.

Jeff Brazzers was floated by the CIA through in q tel and Peter theil's Palantir for a decade of loses. Anything he says is part of the WWE show.

>doesn't pay one tax supposedly
>the same as pays no taxes at all

Amazon obviously pays taxes, you child. Utterly amazing how people keep peddling the line that corporations get away without paying anything.

Disinformation board?

>Amazon obviously pays taxes, you child. Utterly amazing how people keep peddling the line that corporations get away without paying anything.
Imagine actually believing this shit.
Why do people like you exist? Do you get mad if I insult your massa or what?

That was my first thought, the only way it might decrease inflation was if the govt basically burned the money it received from those taxes and didn’t print replacements

user, you're supposed to react emotionally.

>corporations get away with paying all taxes because I read an article about it
fucking brainless cunt

>ooooh noooo don’t make me pay taxes goyeeem nooooo