New Disney movie

Regie : Elizabeth Allen Rosenbaum. Every single time.

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This sort of materialistic nigger globohomo cybertranny2077 makes me feel ill.

I wonder what pumpkin express means in pedo kike globalist

Does he disappear at midnight?

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Every single time

keep not hanging your enemies, chuds. apathy for the win

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I like when they overlap the wokeness.
I think I'm ok with a gaynigger princess.

Shoulda called it Niggerella HAHAHAHAHA!

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This isn't real.

Him, the sneakers, your bike and your wallet

I know it looks like a pol satire, but it is real , sadly

I refuse to believe Disney is this retarded.

>Buck Status: Broken

How is Tariq the only one calling out globohomo for making every black character a massive faggot

It is

It's Any Forums you fucking faggot

>presumably they like sneakers
How is this not a racist sterotype made into a movie? whats next peter-popeyes?

This movie has a perfect score on Rotten Tomatoes with movie reviewers it has to be good

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Yet...nobody has ever seen it.

I'm sure that 50 years from, millions of middle-aged adults will look back fondly on their childhood memories of watching 'Sneakerella'.


You need nice shoes, brand new shoes, multiple pairs or youre poor - buy buy buy

The brown golems have no history
no peoplehood
no culture
no civilization
other than what is fed to them by corporations
sometimes I feel bad for them
other times I'm grateful that I see through it all

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