
I give you. American cuisine!

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that's jogger water

whats the difference

looks like blue kool aid

my food is done, its in the warming oven, do you have a warming oven? its an oven that keeps your food above bacteria temps, and that's where my food is, but I can eat, because the US government is illegitimate.

Never seen this shit in my life

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Aye, it got apple juice innit.

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That’s basketball juice

windshield washer fluid?

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Fat fuck Americans shilling fatso foods . It doesn't get any better kek

Mix that with a little grain alcohol and you've got yourself riot punch.

OP, I suggest. You kill yourself.


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Yo nigga hit me up with some of that Blue 6 and corn syrup

post the mustard

US version looks much worse, but why are the bongs then almost equally fat?

I haven't seen this shit at the grocery since I was like 8 and even at that age this shit seemed off to me.

its the same product but the US has stricter labeling laws. In the UK they don't have to disclose that it has corn syrup. They can just say 'sugar'.

There is a 56% difference.

>whats the difference

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i expected a much higher sugar content than 15g per serving

lol ok, so you're a butthurt vegan faggot or something? nice cherrypicking. sorry your daddy was a faggot! post your actual last meal, dont google it, faggot.

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Bullshit. No way.

I raise you.

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>Vitamin C 0%
They could have added literally anything to make it more than sugar swill, but they didn’t.

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You're goddamn right

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>US has stricter labeling laws
than the fucking EU?