Trump space force

Is the space force doing anything that the air force doesn't

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Jesus fucking Christ... another potentially great Sneed thread ruined by you cocksuckers. Seriously, how is uttering the same one or two phrases, or some variant of " I;m thinking about thos beans " funny? How is ruining any potential discussion of the subtle joke ever made enjoyable? I didn't have much growing up... in fact I was a latchkey kid. I didn't have many role models, but I did have Sneed growing up. Every week I would watch Sneed, saving each OC on my parents' computer, then repost every meme during the summer. Eventually I enlisted in the Marine Corps and got sent to Iraq. Again, all I had was Sneed, seeing as how I had nothing waiting for me back home. My motivation to see the end of my tour alive was knowing that when I got back to the States I could look forward to seeing what kind of hijinks Sneed and his farmers would be up to next. And I loved discussing this store on Any Forums, one of the coolest places on the internet. Well, no more. I can't take this obnoxious spam for a second longer, I'm gone.

We are compromising enemy satellites at the moment. Seems like a small job, but it's quite important.



fuck you Space Force is boss

Damn. You are obsessed w/ the sneed meme. Take some time out, man. You've been doing this for almost two years now.

It's a bot.

Shit. You're probably right.

No because space isn't real.

They're working on everything from playing startup incubator for domestic launch providers to restarting nuclear rocket development to doctrine for fighting beyond the moon. Space Force is one of the best things Trump did.

A bot bypassing this site's cancer captcha? Jesus Christ skynet's coming

Are they actually doing that or just spending money

Kinetic energy weapon budgeting and development.

Jew voting, funding and political data:

In a sense no as the Air Force was doinf everything already in the same way the US Army was doing all the Air Forces shit before 1947.

The Space Force is awesome and justified. Sadly it should be called Cyber Force as its mostly Digital counter espionage and maintaining interner connection and comms around the world.

Big Kek at the retard liberals who thought Biden would disband it. Space Force goes on. Gay TV cancelled already.

Consider how corrupt the navy and the air force really are.. What would be the reason for a new branch?

Yes, the Space Force runs a jobs program that lets soak up black budget dollars and recruits and promotes people based on politically subjective parameters. The USAF does the same thing but occasionally they have to take an actually physical plane up fly it around and bring it back without crashing.

They're actually doing it. ULA, SpaceX, Rocket Lab, Virgin Orbit, and Astra have all flown Space Force payloads already and more companies (Firefly, Relativity, ABL, Blue Origin) are working towarda first orbit. NASA is hiring people including interns to study nuclear thermal propulsion for the first time in decades ( ). The doctrine paper is here:

They manage satellites.
That's all they do, that's all they were created to do.
Anybody who thought it was gonna do anything else is a fucking retard who should be stripped of voting rights

Probably just a bored retard posting shitty pasta.
But honestly what's the difference?

Honestly we were late to the game.
China moved their satellite command into a dedicated service branch over a decade ago.
Of course Biden wasn't going to undo it.