DEmOcRaTs ArE tHe ReAl RaCiS

dEmOcRaTs ArE tHe ReAl RaCiS...

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Unfathomably based.

If this passes will Any Forums gladly donate to their local planned parenthood?

I hate ritualistic baby killers way more than niggers

Someone get that man a medal

Okay, perfect. Is this politician funding raising off this?

You know as based as this is I can't help but wonder how no one in this guy's office stopped to ask themselves "Hey wouldn't it look really bad if we said it was important that niggers be allowed to kill their kids even if whites weren't?" Are their staffers retarded or something?

White people don't deserve the privilege of abortion, isn't that right my fellow liberals?

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Have they banned white abortions (where the mother, father and baby are white)?

they really just want whites to not get abortions cause they fear the demographic change thats happening. all that will happen is 2 more white babies live, and 1 million more non white babies are born, cause whites dont even breed to need abortions, old people in charge are fucking retarded

Yes but will Any Forums realize this and finally support the democrats? After all the democrats also starred the KKK and were against the abolition of slavery.

You do not seem to understand, like 99.999% of people.
The "democrats" and assorted leftists KNOW BETTER THAN ANYONE that gangsta/thug/hood shit is dysgenic and bad for EVERYONE. They hate niggers more than cuckservatives do, legitimately. Everything they do is either to make other races hate niggers OR to make nigger self destruct faster and faster. The party of Margaret Sanger and the Klan.

* If the mother, father and baby are white, then they can afford to raise their child
* White abortions thus steal time and important abortion resources from minorities
* Less whites means less people doing the hard labor jobs that turn the gears of society
* Less whites means a smaller tax base, which means less entitlements for minorities
* Less whites means less responsible creditors and credit recipients, which means a lower credit rating for the nation, which steals entitlements from minorities

Feel free to add your points...

Margaret Sanger was fucking right

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*black and jewish communities in the past and that is why we recommend subsidizing clinics in their neighborhoods

Dare I say "based Jewess"?

We've come full circle

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Artfags, make an infographic with sourced points pl0x

>were against the abolition of slavery.
I don't want slavery. I want ZERO niggers on the north american continent.

wtf i love ohio democrats now

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Jews brought them here because Democrats provided a market for slaves. This is their fault.

How can the GOP even compete at this point?

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>Implying the democrats of today are in any way the same democrats of the past
Democrats didn't support the abortion ban retard.

The last 2 years have turned me liberal. It’s just too hysterical at this point, we’re months away from them blatantly admitting niggers are worthless scum and it’ll be glorious. I want to be apart of the party who’s willing to say that. They’re the realist. The conservatives of today are the biggest faggots in the entire world.

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