I'm watching it right now. And it's a wonderful film. And yes, it all happened...

I'm watching it right now. And it's a wonderful film. And yes, it all happened. And no matter how much you gaslight and mental gymnastic and try to say "HAHA THA HOLOCAUST DIDN'T HAPPEN BUT IT SHOULD HAVE AMIRITE"? No one will ever believe any of you. No one will ever take any of you seriously because you're a rotting, festering well of patheticness and hate and you're all literally the absolute bottom tier of the social barrel. Literally every single other human being on this planet is superior to you. Literally every single one of you. And also literally every single one of you, yourselves, would have been culled under the nazi eugenics program (Aktion T4) where they mass murdered the weak, the schizophrenic, the autists, the depressed, the unemployable and the generally undesirable. Indeed, you. You all literally worship and venerate a political party that would have explicitly culled you. And it wasn't a secret program either. It was a public program. They would have culled you and been proud about it. They would have bragged about it. "Look how many Any Forumsack Any Forums anons we culled in our Aktion T4 program this week. Look how awesome we are"


Seethe nazis, seethe

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I'm laughing so hard at this, you might say I'm...gassed.

>No one will ever believe any of you. No one will ever take any of you seriously because you're a rotting, festering well of patheticness and hate and you're all literally the absolute bottom tier of the social barrel
And yet, here you are.

Attached: Occams_Razor.png (545x514, 260.79K)


Yes, it happened. The jews inflate numbers, though.
Yes, slavs were in concentration camps, too. And other ethnicities, not just jews.
Yes, we remember nazi atrocities, too.
No, we don't bring it up every time things don't go the way we want them to go and try to paint ourselves a victim.

>Look how many Any Forumsack Any Forums anons we culled

That’s just ghastly, Anne Frankly you should be ashamed


Attached: ze old heeb ho.webm (950x450, 862.16K)

whatever you say kike

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2% of population and 72% of richest hedge fund managers

Attached: 2020-hedgefund.png (3775x2500, 2.57M)

>globohomo calling us nazi
user we agree with anything you say, that’s why we are here, that’s why we are resisting. We are Anonymous

(((Schicklgruber))). They gassed themselves and blamed the goys for it.

Amon Göth was arrested by the Nazis due in part to his mistreatment of prisoners.

Those are some Jews throwing you out of the window. Happens all the time, user

>And yes, it all happened.
keked hard. well memed, op

dos poor joos!

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I hope there's an actual Holocaust soon and they get all of you this time.

I agree wonderful film. Most hilarious comedy I’ve ever seen

It's a fictional novel, admittedly.

Attached: Schindler's List - a work of fiction.jpg (800x618, 131.81K)

More Europeans died in that war than oven dodgers

stfu kike

you sell our kids off islands

soon, fucker

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shhhh............................so much kvetching.......

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okay I'm not anti Semitic anymore now, thanks kike

Its not wonderful. Its five hours long

OP is a faggot