Blizzard released a new Diversity Ranking tool

This is important and you should use it for your own purposes.

>We want to see ourselves represented in games, we want the barriers to access lowered, and we want games to be a welcoming environment for all. Just look at the 2019 International Game Developers Association (IGDA) “Developer Satisfaction Survey,” which asked developers what they considered to be the most important factor in the growth of the gaming industry. The most common response? “More diversity in content.” It’s not even a question anymore.

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>However, the question that does remain is this: How do we convert this feedback from collective desire into tangible reality? As expected, the people at King are already thinking a few moves ahead.
>In 2016, King began developing a method for guarding against unconscious bias and exclusion when it came to the creation of their games and characters. At the time, this idea existed as an intangible philosophy, but the potential was obvious.

>Enter the MIT Game Lab. Alongside King, the MIT techs helped turn a mission statement into tangible software that would create and monitor guidelines for character conception and creation, looking into all the ways basic elements such as gender, body type, roles (“heroes” vs. “villains”) and even such granular factors such as pose, or body movement, can suggest powerful things about a character one way or another. According to King Globalization Project Manager Jacqueline Chomatas, once MIT handed over the basic software, the team at King spent the last few years honing and developing it, mostly as a volunteer effort. People were spending their off-hours working on the tool, simply because they believed in its potential so much.

>“An important principle for us at King is that all players should feel welcome,” says Chomatas. “The intention is to inspire game teams not just at King, but throughout the Activision Blizzard King network, to think outside the box and challenge pre-conceived notions around how characters should look and act. As a result, hopefully we will create more characters that break the mold, and better represent women, non-binaries and other under-represented minorities in the industry.”

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How It Works

>The idea of a “tool” to make characters more diverse and inclusive may seem a little hard to wrap your head around. In practice, it has to be more than just, say, a pop-up reminder that between 2017 and 2021 nearly 80% of the highest selling games in the world featured white, male protagonists (according to a study conducted by Diamond Lobby). It needs to become a part of the incubation process from the start, baked into the pipeline as an unmissable and consistent step - which is exactly what this tool was designed to be.

>“The Diversity Space Tool is a measurement device, to help identify how diverse a set of character traits are and in turn how diverse that character and casts are when compared to the ‘norm’,” explains Chomatas. Once it establishes a baseline for typical character traits (which is done by the creative team working closely with DE&I experts), it can then weigh new character designs against it to measure their diversity. During this process, the tool can also uncover unconscious bias, such as why certain traits are seen as “male” vs. “female,” or why characters from certain ethnic backgrounds are given similar personalities or behaviors.

>In this effort, the Diversity Space Tool can clearly delineate between token characters and true representation. “[The tool] identifies what stereotypical characters in different genres look like, which are not always the most conducive or representative of diversity,” says Chomatas. “It helps identify those stereotypes, while also helping creatives look closer at their designs, so they can dissect their own assumptions and presets. It also helps identify opportunities for more diverse character narratives, to ensure that we are not only creating diverse characters in appearance alone.”

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>kick all white men out of blizzard
>cease to create anything of value

Also, my build.

Culture: 1
Race: 6
Age: 1
Cognitive Ability: 1
Physical Ability: 1
Body Type: 1
Facial Features: 1
Gender Identity: 0
Sexual Orientation: 0
Socioeconomic Background: 6

What's yours?

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Lol, this is just depressing. This is why I only play Japanese games

Is this really happening just because some dude slapped a womans ass at the office at Blizzard?

They're making a eugenics measurement device. Apply it to yourself to see if you're fit.

> all the money they could have spent on LITERALLY ANYTHING in overwatch 2
> let's instead create some tool so we can rank how much of a special snowflake is this fictional character, and release the same game with a number 2 in front of it
fucking kikes, when will they learn?

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love this move because it pisses everyone off as either a waste of money and/or quantifying identity into a marketing metric

post hand or gtfo

how does this improve the quality of their games?

Just trust me bro.


I have a perfect timid with maxed out ethnicity DV

By selecting desirable racial phenotypes, among other things.

Blizzard will go broke. Thank God.

Kek what if we started rating these game devs with their own tool

What if you used this tool to rank every progressive activist and public speaker?

Lefties don't care. They convince trannies to lap it up as more positive exposure. Lefties love marketing - after all, their entire ideology only exists because of it.

>pisses off the left and right at the same time
impressive really

What if you self-diagnose as neurotypical? Or what if you have a muscular physique with a BMI above 25? The typical WoW male character is probably pushing 40. Or how about an asymmetric facial mole (which are caused by a genetic deformity) known as a "beauty mark"?

Imagine still giving the Blizzard Jew your money...
