Excuse me, Euros learn OUR language. We don’t have to learn any of theirs.

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All other languages are just larping. English is the only real language. Those other fags are just making random noises. Its a joke on monolinguals.

Everyone who's mother tongue is not English, learns English as the second language
No need for English speakers to do anything

I took 8 years of Spanish classes and got all As and can't speak Spanish.

>half of the world learns their local language and English, the lingua franca of almost every single major international organization and shared media.

"Why don't English speaking countries know more than just English?"

Exactly, it’s just a hobby. It’s better to know English than every other language combined unless your goal is to be a translator. This makes euros seethe as they read this in the English they were required to learn.

>start to learn other language
>nouns are gendered
into the trash it goes
what fucking retard came up with this system

the english language is close to perfect. I find that the other languages i speak end up conveying less information using more words per sentence.

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French Canadian women are best Canadian women though.

Just another white collar elitist American shitting on blue collar Americans because they don't place value on his pet conceit. I can speak several languages to varying degrees, but it doesn't make me special. I wonder if Jay can change a car wheel at the roadside?

>what's our problem
America is a very large country that only borders two other countries: Canada and Mexico. Canada speaks English natively, so if you live close to it, you don't have much reason to learn any other language to be able to speak to the people close to you. Those who live close to Mexico are more likely to learn Spanish, but it's not strictly necessary.

I'm quadlingual and you don't see me smacking my cock on the desk. Make one language for everyone, im tired of this mistranslation shit.

I dont want to hear anything they have to say, and have nothing to say to them.

most americans don't even speak 1 language

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>brown shitworlders learn English because it has a valuable economic function
>ergo it is just as valuable for an American to learn Swahili

>whats our problem

most americans wont get this

die boomer

Were Roman diplomats learning some barbar language? No. If you went to Rome you did what the Romans did. If they came to you? Better have a translator.

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Coping Muricans thinking they don't need to speak Spanish.

chekt and dont worry we all know american here

Half of the world needs to learn English because commerce and industry mainly use it. It it makes as much sense for a Viatnamese businessmen as it does to a Congolese or Finnish. So what does a native English speaker choose? Spanish and Chinese make sense, maybe French? Japanese if weeaboo. But that's about it, what else would make sense? Those same three businessmen aren't also going to learn Portuguese.

you should learn spanish or mandarin

>combined population is less than the United States
>over 20 languages
Why bother? You wouldn’t have a different phone for every app you wanted to use.

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what ive been curious about for a little while, how does programming work? does everyone in the world program with english, or do other languages work?

Absolutely god damn based.

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Nigga what

Most Americans can't even say thank you

> (((english)))
no wonder degeneracy is spreading

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Most muricans soon will be speaking Spanish as their first language, so why even bother

Hm, yes, "bar bar bar bar bar", indeed.

like commands for programming are in english. does it still work for like programming in greek or something?

The russians at least have their own programming languages in their own language, look up the MIR computer systems the soviets made.

Press 1 for english

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>live in a country that's just as big, if not bigger than west Europe
>"monolingual is le bad!!1!!"

what the fuck would be the point?

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I made the mistake of learning English and now I have to hear about drag kids and George Floyd from you faggots.

The syntax of every major programming language in the world is in English. There have been some made with alternate scripts like Arabic as pet projects but otherwise it's nothing but English.

Seethe some more mediterranean niggerspawn.

Being a polyglot just splits your total comprehension between multiple lexicons effectively reducing the vocabulary that could be utilized for any one language to a fraction of its potential. Speaking multiple languages isn’t any better or worse than speaking just one, it’s just different. Fucking libs act like they’re punching down on lesser members of their own society as a way of signaling the virtuosity. The absolute reality however is they feel guilty for…everything, I guess. Pathetic cunts.

>drag kids

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intredasting. yeah, i wasnt sure if there were like spanish programming systems, or vietnamese, or wahtever. i figured japan/china probably has their own system

English is a shitty ugly language. How can you say it even close to perfect. The only language worse than English are non-european.

if it wasn't for americans not knowing the difference between genitals and fucking the world would indeed be a much saner place

Because I live 1300 miles from anywhere else that speaks anything but english.
I see the flag but europeans need to stop making this thread with that obvious answer.

Para Español, oprima dos.

What I don't get are third gen Hispanics in the states who still are ESL. Like it's not hard, you have free English lessons on YouTube now. You can literally watch unlimited English content geared to help you.

If I moved to Delhi I'm going to learn Hindi. Because I look more educated and I can better communicate at all levels of service. But of course tons of these places just use English now anyway.

I learned spanish just to fuck latinas. I don't care about breeding castizo mutts.

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Yes, Greek.

The irony.

Everyone else learns English so that they will know a better language, spoken by most others.
Those of us who already speak English have no interest in learning a worse language spoken by only a few people, most of which already speak English, or to learn some shitty sing-song gook language to speak to chinker bugmen.
It's just like when people realize their Women's Studies degree is worthless and then go and get a second, better degree -- those of us who already have an Engineering degree aren't going to bother with also getting a useless Women's Studies degree on top of that.