Twitter already admitted they use bots to drive narrative

>“#GoodBots help people stay apprised of useful, entertaining, and relevant information – from fun emoji mashups to breaking news. There’s a whole community of developers that are working hard to build bots that are genuinely useful and interesting,” Twitter said in a statement.
the valid question is how many clandestine bots does twitter use to game the adbuys for profit. 30-40% bots is most likely at a minimum that has been used to gouge advertisers. a profile picture means nothing because AI generated is undetectable for the majority of people.

Attached: twitter-bots-header_r85z.png (960x480, 171.9K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Jesus fucking Christ... another potentially great Sneed thread ruined by you cocksuckers. Seriously, how is uttering the same one or two phrases, or some variant of "Serious On Topic Discussion" funny? How is ruining any potential discussion of the subtle joke ever made enjoyable? I didn't have much growing up... in fact I was a latchkey kid. I didn't have many role models, but I did have Sneed growing up. Every week I would watch Sneed, saving each OC on my parents' computer, then repost every meme during the summer. Eventually I enlisted in the Marine Corps and got sent to Iraq. Again, all I had was Sneed, seeing as how I had nothing waiting for me back home. My motivation to see the end of my tour alive was knowing that when I got back to the States I could look forward to seeing what kind of hijinks Sneed and his farmers would be up to next. And I loved discussing this store on Any Forums, one of the coolest places on the internet. Well, no more. I can't take this obnoxious spam for a second longer, I'm gone.

LIES! It just happens that sometimes, real people type the same exact message at the same exact time, okay?!

Attached: 1629413159626.jpg (977x999, 168.71K)

>sigma variant

beep boop beep boop
twitter bot here boop..

horses have huge cocks

beep boop

Ever wonder why transgender accounts seem to be everywhere online despite being only a fraction of a percentage of the population?

it clearly says ticklma

bots are better than people. prove me wrong, you can't.

Musk hounds on the whole bot aspect because he is going to push for "verification" that all of the users are human. It's just a massive ploy to collect data and sell it to the government. Retarded fucking conservatives will fall for it, sign up and give their data (especially if Trump decides to get off his shitty platform and go back). Elon will then turn around and probably give everything to the feds, likely making a deal between the Gov. and Tesla involving some climate/green bullshit agenda.

Its mostly third parties that take advantage of spamming ads. Twitter takes a cut and can plausibly deny. Advertisers may not even care because their shit product will get seen by the suckers talking to bots kek. Makes you think about this place hmmm

My GF loves twatter and follows some bot that tweets the same song lyric or something out every X amount of time (random I think).
She loves that bot and has spoken about how it is reassuring that the bot will be there doing the same thing.
I told her that is dumb and she shouldn't form emotional connections to robots. Then we never spoke of it again.

Attached: HideCsisThreadsDildosGDEdition.jpg (1022x768, 215.95K)

Yeah, he made a big deal about verification in the beginning of it. Facebook already did it. It just serves to kill the platform and further segment the population.

>smoothbrain gf
don't know if that is a good or bad thing, good if she cooks, cleans, and wants a big family; bad if she doesn't

She is moldable, openly calls troons trannies now. already knew blacks are bad news.

they are playign as if these bots dont have a [OFF] switch and that whoebercontrols them would be unable to just select the group of bots, click the button, enter the password and "This Account was deleted by the User"

They already have our info. They know you are on pol right now, too.

Nice try, MAGA rednecks.

Why do you need bots when you have russians?

Attached: 27229.jpg (1200x1200, 344.01K)


Attached: finalteamithink-zoroark-animal-bird-fowl-poultry-transparent-png-2936847.png (1000x1508, 283.58K)

You should rethink your emotional connection to that NPC and definitely don’t breed with her. Your offspring will be retards

Why do you claim them to be Russian? I think they are Ukrainian.

Any Forums knew this from the very start just like the fact that wuahn-19 was made in a lab.

Got eem