Why do we even live ?

why do we even live ?

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Koreans have a proud warrior tradition. Don't let globohomo get you down, son.

Yeah only the North.

as a korean? no idea.

maybe you have a nice personality? sorry for your loss

is it true you have an american cock?

to be femboy traps

is it true they have american cocks?

Why are you so interested in his cock, faggot?

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I'm so jealous of the Japanese at least your nation doesn't falling out of existence

They've only been split since 1945. They were a warrior nation as early as 2333 BCE.


Your national existence is only based on anger for us and no real history


allegedly we exist to....exist. And ponder our, and the universes existence.
Or something like that at any rate, sounds gay and probably is but that's the best guess we've got right now.

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Men without new frontiers to build homes on and make new enterprises as they may lead lives of hopeless despair.

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to suffer.

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jews have caused your distress

I hear you guys have good fried chicken.

Jesus, how do grown Asian men have kid like hairlines? I can tell you're in your 20s, yet you have a fucking teenager hairline.

Hit the gym lad
Improve your diet
Read the stoic and the existentialist philosophers

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Bald whitey >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Grown asian men with full hairline

>Read philosophers

They have nothing worth saying.

Yeah so? I probably looked more attractive than you when I had hair.

Why don’t u get some surgeries done? It’s dirt cheap and you’ll come out looking like BTShit in 2 days

Because it is a rejection of the death cult of this modern era. Everything they support is death. They want you childless, they want you weak willed, they want you hooked on porn and materialism.

Spit in their faces and reject their worship of death. Live! Champion life. It is the natural law, and it is truth. It is the Truth. That is how I came to know Christ. They hate everything good and natural and true. They worship the devil who only knows how to destroy, not to create.

Most philosphy I've read has been utter gobbledygook by blustering bags of hot air. It's the ultimate pseud medium. Bunch of dudes talking themselves up in far too many words.

To make more attractive Asian women for us to fuck

Nihilist reader I see.

Don't be so nervous. Whites are more sexually attractive than Asians in whatever they look like

They’re hit or miss.

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