The USA in the 1800s under extreme libertarianism, before the leftwing reforms of the progressive era...

The USA in the 1800s under extreme libertarianism, before the leftwing reforms of the progressive era, was objectively the worst dystopia ever to exist. Worst than Stalinism and Maoism on their worst day.
>Genocide of 30 million natives
>Slavery of an entire race
>Appallingly low life expectancy
>Robber barons, monopolies, wealth inequality
>No one able to own a home due to ultra rich landlords owning everything (similar situation as we're entering into now)
>Child labor and exploitation
>Horrible conditions in factories
>All sorts of pollution and poisonous shit in products for profits that they knew were poison and included anyhow
Only due to the leftwing reforms of the progressive era did we claw our way out of that. Institutions like the Federal Reserve and the New Deal helped stem wealth inequality in America and provide a prosperous future for humanity until......

We started cutting it all with Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.

Now we're headed right back to where we came from into that dark, dank world. It's only downhill from here unless we turn it around and reinstitute serious leftwing economic reforms. Communism. Socialism. Wealth limits. Asset limits. High taxes on the rich. In the 1950s we had a 93% top marginal tax rate on the richest Americans, and corporations paid a 50% effective rate. Libertarians today tell you "they didn't pay it due to loopholes" but this is just a blatant objectively falsifiable lie

Attached: weath inequality.png (1190x584, 88.76K)

Shows you how fall this kike rag has fallen if they're referencing this charlatan. He's the laughing stock of actual disciplined economists because he basically just made a couple assumptions and then filled hundreds of pages around it to sell books.

Nah, you had actual freedom back then. Wanna go hunt for gold, sell animal skins, be an outlaw, play poker with other outlaws at the local saloon, hunt down bounties, own a farm, raise a giant family with 13 kids, etc

Life back then was objectively better.

You got this idea from movies

>objectively the worst dystopia ever to exist
Your proposed solution is to put everybody's lives into the hands of a government of bureaucrats who have authoritarian control of every facet of your life, and no accountability to anyone.

>no homes
>landlords own everything
Holy cannoli what a tard. US government had so much land they gave it away.

That's what capitalism is. That's what lolbertarianism is. Lol. Capitalism is the government stealing from poor people and giving their things to rich people.

Yea in the middle of nowhere you idiot

Isn't that how things have always been though? We've always been killing each other to get on top. In fact, I'd wager that 1800s USA was better than the vast majority of history. Slavery and genocide were commonplace before the 1800s, but were on their way out. Nobody lived long. Wealth inequality always has been and always will exist. Child labor only happens when the labor of the parents isn't enough to support the family, which is how things always were. Go to any third world country and the children will all work to some extent. Factory conditions and pollution have improved because we now have the knowledge to create safer solutions.
Capitalism is what has allowed the innovation which has ended the vast majority of ailments humans are liable to, but you'd burn down the whole system just because it isn't perfect, throwing us right back into the hell from which we've begun to escape.

user, I . . .

>"Deathcults are good bro trust me" - The Entire Rightwing Since The Beginning of Time

Huh? There's no such thing as "anarcho capitalism" you can't have property rights without government. Capitalism is literally a system of government that violently enforces property rights with a police force, evicts and extorts poors out of money to redistribute it to the rich

>Huh? There's no such thing as "anarcho capitalism" you can't have property rights without government. Capitalism is literally a system of government that violently enforces property rights with a police force, evicts and extorts poors out of money to redistribute it to the rich
honestly, righwingers are just low information voters. Like the fact that there exist lolberts who literally think they're "antigovernment" by supporting capitalism says it all. The fact that there are lolbert autists on the internet who think they can have property rights without a government and it never occurs to them to stop and think "oh wait wut the fuck that's impossible" says it all and honestly it says it all about the entire rightwing

you're straining your ignorance, here. Property rights would be enforced through private defense forces and/or insurance companies that would compete in the open market. No police, but plenty of mercenaries.

Capitalism isn't a system of government it's a political philosophy. It means "I believe regular people should own things." Capital means assets which generate resources. A farm is capital. Your hands are capital. Stocks are capital. Money is capital.

This is contrasted with feudalism, in which only the nobility own capital. Or communism, in which only the state owns capital. The state owns all farms. The state owns your hands, all hands. The state owns stocks, all stocks.

>>No one able to own a home due to ultra rich landlords owning everything (similar situation as we're entering into now)
wrong, land was so cheap it was practically given away and landowners could build their own homes without any permit costs

Oh, you're just trolling and strawmanning. I was hoping for an intelligent discussion, but what else should I expect from someone who wants to bite the hand that feeds them?

No. That's so logically bankrupt on every level I seriously don't even feel like I need to be compelled to point out the specific ways in which it's failing

Uh no. Capitalism is literally a system of government which enforces property rights for the wealthy. It steals poor people's properties via police force and redistributes them to the rich

That's called homesteading. Holy shit commies are fucking insufferable. Even when the government literally pays your dembts and gives you a home with all the land you could ever need this fucking entitled spoiled brat still thinks it's not enough because he doesnt get the penthouse on 5th Avenue for free.
Absolutely retarded. Theres really no denying at this point all commies are worthless and shouldnt be tolerated.

Stay retarded commie. I dont even care anymore you'll never make anything of yourself anyway. Lmao you cant even make a sandwich

It's only illogical because you want government to be your mommy and daddy and treat you like child to your grave.

And having you steal from me would be better because?

It was land in the middle of nowhere. You're not making whatever point you think you're making

That's you. That's what a capitalist wants. A capitalist wants the government to steal property from poor people for him and redistribute it to him

>That's you. That's what a capitalist wants. A capitalist wants the government to steal property from poor people for him and redistribute it to him
wealth redistribution literally = capitalism

You need to stop stealing from people. You need to stop sending your jackbooted government thugs into poor people's homes and robbing them in the name of capitalism

No one is going to pay those taxes anymore because this is a nigger and beaner country now. I'd pay more if they weren't here.

She's pretty but it's kind of disrespectful to homeboy so no. If it's for a moment so be it other than that cash app me a dollar.

Yeah I guarantee I'm poorer than you, buddy. No actually poor person believes the bullshit you're selling.

I have no doubt that there's a surplus of the stereotypical "uneducated working class poor white who votes against his own economic interests out of racism" people in the world and certainly of all places on this board

And where did the movies get those ideas from...? Hmmm?? Exactly.