Biden is worse than Putin

Biden is worse than Putin
He is literally taking political prisoners. He's a fucking Tyrant.

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Drumpf tried to overturn the election with terrorism and you’re crying about Biden being a tyrant. Seethe and cope, chud. Btw, Hillary still isn’t in jail, even after 2 more weeks.

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Way worse than Putin, it's not even close. Biden has killed more people than Putin as well.

>searchable database

Nah bro, I'm a centrist, but even I can see reality and call a spade a spade.

>Biden has killed more people

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I want to believe this
>searchable database
is the start of the new social credit system.
and why they opened the doors for them to go inside.

There were that many? They are getting lenient sentences anyhow.

Biden has been instrumental behind at least 4 wars, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Yemen. He's overseen drone strikes, he's helped mobilize troops, he's helped terrorist organizations commit terror. The majority of the man's career has been about spilling blood.

most of them have just been charged with parading, but people are missing the big picture here, they all have been recorded, their, names, states they live in, etc., in a searchable data base.

How’s the guy with the Lego set doing?

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I mean if you pretend all the wars he started didn't happen, he's killed more with covid now than Trump did.

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They pinged everyone's cellphones and anyone who went into the capital building is now being arrested. Imagine that, get arrested for going into a public building. kek

all those people are probably being monitored daily now

By Bidens own logic regarding Covid-19 and it's danger, he is going to single handedly kill hundreds more thousands of Americans by restricting covid restrictions on americas borders by May 23rd(that is if you are going by his own logic anyway). Then of course there was overseeing the 7 wars Obama started and the fantastic icing on the cake with the Afghanistan withdrawal he botched.

I'm sorry but last time I checked those weren't people anyway.

Yes, it's all part of the "new" TAG TRACK AND ID system

And? Should be a badge of honor for them if you ask me

>Calls it an insurrection
>Not one has been charged with treason

Hmmm... Curious...

Who the fuck cares. The fact that they need to monitor real American citizens proves they are no different than any other 3rd world tinpot regime (except with a lot more sophistication). America is just a very rich version of Burma at this point.

Oh I also wanted to add that Mr. Biden by proxy also got his first wife killed in a car accident as well as his daughter. True it wasn't entirely his fault, it was a tragic accident involving a tractor trailer and the police later cleared the man after it happened. But of course Biden had more experience than the police officer, being the 6th youngest senator in history so later he elaborated that the man was drinking and driving (shortly after he died leaving his family to explain how grieved he was and how he wasn't drinking).

Boy, Democrats and car accidents really don't go hand in hand do they?

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>be literal zog puppet worshipping a zionist
>spend thousands going across the US to a "protest"
>bunch of retards start chimping out
>just walked around outside
>get put on a searchable list
>loose job because boss cares about his image
>biden still president
>become a living meme