How do we convince the younger generation to go to work? When I was young I was honored to make minimum wage

How do we convince the younger generation to go to work? When I was young I was honored to make minimum wage.

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Purchasing power has been reduced to nothing you retarded boomer. I'm glad your retirement plan is going to shit.

When you were young a dollar was actually worth something you stupid fuck, now it's worth less then toilet paper, we are very quickly becoming Zimbabwe tier

Get coughed on you idiotic boomer trash

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>younger generation
My brain read that as "nigger generation", which is fairly accurate as most millenials worship and act like niggers.

My kid's a zoomer and his friends are, too. They're renting a house right now and working their fucking assess off to each pay their share. I've met his friends parents once or twice and they're good, decent people.

My kid's doing pretty well and that makes me happy but to see all his friends NOT being apathetic fuckups- I just want to hug each of them for doing a good job growing into actualized adults.

I feel really bad for kids who've been suckered into this mishmash of Maoist genderqueer commie bullshit. I know almost all of those kids affected are good at heart but this is the kind of disease you gotta save yourself from and too many zoomers right now simply don't have the skills to protect themselves.

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If I work ten hours a day at federal minimum wage I get 72.50 at the end of the day.
2175 a month or 26100 dollars, assuming I work thirty days a month for 12 months.
That is less than two weeks off a year, and assumes I work weekends full time.
The median household income in Mississippi is $45,792.

Small buisnesses would have to hold more value than larger buisnesses. Its about being part of a community rather than a slave to the world

how about work camps, so you just have to beat them regularly to make them work. then if they dont, you just stop feeding them and make them sit in a gas chamber that for some reason has a wooden door.

somebody post the minimum wage vs. purchasing power over time graph.

Lmao die mad boomer scum

this is the other problem with genz, they are literally aiming for minimum wage. the retardation is palpable.

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The world is literally collapsing around us. Wake the fuck up.

Let me keep my entire paycheck and maybe I'll think about it.

fine i'll post one.

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you're all so fucking retarded that the world can use a collapse. when you're starving and about to die the worst way possible, just remember, that it what you're experiencing is just the most important part of evolution. the cleansing.

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notice how ever since boomers took over politics they have let it backslide?
it is disgusting.
not a zoomer. I'm a millennial business owner that pays $20-$25 and hour starting, and hires predominantly zoomers that never went to college.
One of the better zoomies was such a damn good worker after 2 years I let him keep his work truck and go independent on my dime.
He deserved it.

Pay me 3000 Euro per month no inflation magic shit I wanted able to buy house.

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Imagine having so much money you can close down your business just because your cashiers quit. Christ sakes I hate boomers so much.

imagine a fucking boomer training a zoomer, and actually rewarding them for working hard.
yeah, it doesn't happen, ever. I know because that is how I got started. Fucking boomer fucked me over one to many times, and he had no idea I had saved up enough to set out on my own. Took all of his customers too.
Fuck that boomer bastard, I hope his kids put him in an old folks home and forget about him.

and everybody clapped. other zoomers should learn from you and take up acting.

someone post the graph that includes all of the taxes we pay directly and indirectly(corporate taxes, only consumers and employees pay corporate taxes). post the real picture, then post some voting statistics.

if anyone wanted to solve this problem, they would become less popular than the orange bad. the truth is fucking nasty, and the united states is definitely going tits up before getting real.

So edgy bro.

25 cents used to buy a useable amount of food/gasoline. Now there's no reason to pick a dollar bill off the ground. You can't fucking buy anything with it. You might as well give it to a panhandler.

if you stop committing genocide upon the white race i'll think about going back to work

its called optimization

the way to fix it is to cut all social security. But "I PAID FOR IT" no fucking boomer you didn't. you pulled out MORE than you put in.

I already said... Im a millennial. There are plenty of great zoomers out there, you just have to pay them enough for them to give a shit.

>too many zoomers right now simply don't have the skills to protect themselves.

I know what you mean. Young people really aren't supposed to be fending for themselves though. They're supposed to have strong based guardians until at least 25 so their pre-frontal cortex can max out.

if you really think that is a way to fix it, you're more retarded than i thought. one of the biggest problems in this country is that people are stupid. politicians regularly and easily sell millions of people on taxing themselves more and more while the people - fucking retards and usually women - think they're taxing their neighbors.

the problem isnt as simple as accounting. its massive and if you begin to describe it to anyone, you will definitely find yourself in a debate over whether water is wet or not. its hopeless.

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>tfw never made less than 15/hr
Minimum wage is for literal retards, there are plenty of zero education , zero experience jobs that pay more.