Why does stuff like this never happen anywhere in Europe?

Why does stuff like this never happen anywhere in Europe?

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>my top-of-the-line, experimental healthcare should be free because….it just should be okay????

You die before getting care in eurape.

Chemo and radiation isn't going to cure cancer anyway, faggot. That's why this healthcare debate is all bullshit anyway. Ironically, you're better not having access to Big Pharma's drugs.

>wasted all his money on the pharmajew, instead of using that money to make wife comfortable
>cuck who just follows order is mad that his bad decisions mean he wasted his time and money
Why should I care?

You do realize most government ran healthcare systems are just as, if not more shit, right?

God you libfags are so retarded, why dont you do the taxpayers a favor and kys.

Does a person not have a right to life? If he needs treatment to survive, then yeah they damn well should get it. But "oh no my profits" well fuck the profits how about "oh no a person's life". Fucking ghouls.

Your country is about to start euthanizing people with depression

he went into debt to save the woman he loves, doesn't seem like a bad decision to me.


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Maybe eat healthier or something idk, don't get cancer and this wouldn't happen.

Your right to life means no one can take your life, not the entire world must do everything they can to keep you alive. Learn what a right is retard.

No, no one has a right to life.

Whoa! I'm totally gonna believe a grainy image of a quote from binkybrain who doesn't give any details. I hate America now bros!

the decisions about your well being made by a corporate bureaucrat
the decisions about your well being made by a government bureaucrat.
at least you wont be forced into the poor house with medicare for all

They did everything right except have a decent insurance plan. Sounds like a load of bullshit.

No. Why would you have the right to millions of dollars worth of cutting edge technology and labor to make you live far beyond your natural lifespan? These are resources that are finite. If a hospital has 10 ventilators and you're patient #11, are they violating your right to life when you code in the ER lobby? You can argue that it would be worth investing in publicly funded healthcare, but anyone who claims it's a fundamental right to get free healthcare is a moron

you can thank boomers on medicare for sucking up all the healthcare funds and ballooning prices for everyone else

tell them to pay their fair share? Nope they paid in so they 'deserve' their socialised healthcare

Bad things also happen in Europe burger-user. Sometimes, you lose, for some reason or no reason at all

t. boomers who already got mine'

other countries do it. Why can't the richest country in the world do it? I'd rather our money go towards helping citizens than giving Jeff Bezos a $10B bailout after he built a $500M yacht

this is correct and everyone else is a kike shill, their "top of the line treatment" is a massive money maker with no real success, the success rates for chemo are practically non-existant, 1% difference officially between getting or not

medical science is jewish science, they save the good stuff for themselves while they make us pay for our own poison

>Why does stuff like this never happen anywhere in Europe
Majority Rule
Majority Senate to pass bills
No propaganda news channel
Educated population

you pay into medicare all your working life yet can't use it for 50 years and you defend the system.
what a sucker.

>other countries do it. Why can't the richest country in the world do it?
Good question
Why don't you ask Biden why they sent out $40 billion dollars to Ukraine

When the fuck did that ever happen?

A person never has a right to a commodity

If that worked we would just do it for all commodities.

>Why should I care?
Well you shouldn't care because you're a seething incel who will never experience love
As for the rest of us we don't want to watch a loved one suffer like this and be powerless to help

Should have just taken an herbal protocol and did qigong or some shit unless they needed like surgery lol

If I get cancer, I'm debtmaxxing and causing as much disruption as possible while pounding cocaine into my head.

Entitled faggot who doesn't understand things cost money.

Omitted: “She drank, smoked, and her BMI was 50”.

I like. Will you raep as well?

so then you are against medicare? how about medicaid, gap programs, FMLA? worker's comp? Better get rid of all of those then too

You realize you can just...not pay hospital bills right?
They can trash your credit, but otherwise he could have saved money or spent it better on giving her a better quality of life than quantity of life.

Based, don't forget to avoid all taxes.

>we did everything we were told

They probably vaxxed themselves into cancer

yes boomers are exactly that. They want to enjoy sloth and the largess they sit on while never paying into the system. Hang all elderly boomers leeching medicare dollars. Theyre a drain on the system and don't understand healthcare costs money

Same is true in the US

He didn't even have to pay it LOLOLOLOLOL

You pay 1.45% of your income into Medicare. That isn't enough for a lifetime of health coverage. You can't do math because you are an idiot.

and BlackRock, Blackstone, Fidelity and Pfizer got your's.

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27. I have received no benefits.

>at least you wont be forced into the poor house
You're like baby

This lame /thread again? It gets posted here weekly. Here's a free (you).
Also, KYS.