Work harder

Elon says we should work harder for a society that hates us. Is he right?

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I dont even think about him.
and never will.

Always do the opposite of what billionaires tell you to do

I think he's talking about libfaggots.

I refuse to work more than 40 hours a week.

I think he is talking out of both sides of his mouth.

hes right, less poltards on pol and more people working is whats best

No one cares about burning the midnight oil for something they believe in. But why the fuck should I even put on pants to contribute to a world that wants me dead?

If the implications of the article are as OP says they are then this guy is a fucking cunt.

Make going to work less terrible first

Elon never had a real job in his life he was born with a silver spoon

yep, this is disgusting.

>If the implications of the article are as OP says they are then this guy is a fucking cunt.
He wants to make the plot of Red Faction a reality, so yeah he's a cunt.

Working 16 hours a day, he is full of shit. He has not done the kind of physical work that leaves you drained four hours in, drenched in sweat, not the son of the owner of an opal mine, total bullshit.

>Is he right?

No. If I'm working until 3am and sleeping on the shop floor to be productive, something is very wrong. If I can be productive while being lazy as shit, then something is very right. And let me tell you, china wrong, me right.

No everyone should stop doing everything and just sit outside and look at the sky

>Elon says we should work harder for a society that hates us.
biggest lard ass cope in history

he worked hard and now shapes society the way he wants... don't be a chud and work hard

If what I am reading is correct, Putin may be left with no alternative than to nuke the guy and his launch sites. A huge shame since I can't see another way in the near future of humanity getting off the earth.

I work overtime for my own skills and pleasure (hunting, gym, etc hobbies) but not for my job because they'll never reward me properly (salaried and shit overtime pay)

Yeah that's the way I reckon. Work on yourself.

you need to work hard and a lot, but half of it needs to be creative/experimenting/learning.

Listen street-shitter, Elon is an adulterer who abonded his family. He doesn't care about his family, let alone the country. He is an egotist, he is filth, andyou and he would probably get along great, but I look down on you both. Spiritually you are an Untouchable, just like him, a materialist with no dignity.

The only thing Elon did right was promoting the freedom of speech

Russian and Chinese space agencies are far more likely to get us up there than SpaceX in my opinion.

Zoomers are such worthless lazy niggers.
If you want to live a nice comfy life, then get a better job that pays more.
Millenials actually went through some shit. One financial collapse after another, fucking war on terror, shitty job markets, and then covid. But we worked our asses off and most of us have actually clawed our way to a decent place in life: good jobs, starting families, buying houses, saving for retirement.
But all these faggot ass zoomers complain and whine about the fact that they even have to work. They're literally just finishing school and entering the job market and instantly start whining because they don't have a perfect life handed to them for free.
Worthless broccoli haired scum.
The only good thing is the fact that I know they are going to suffer for the next few decades as millennials replace boomers as the rich, powerful, asshole generation that rules society and pisses off everyone else.
While the Ztards replace Gen X as the weak, powerless, irrelevant generation.

Working long hours is great if you're working for yourself earning yourself money. If you're doing it for an employer or letting the government tax you to death you're a mark

Aren't Americans already overworked to hell compared to the rest of the western world?

>the slaves need to work harder
Meanwhile he literally LIVES off government subsidies.

Basically Tony Stark but if he never invented anything, never helped anybody, "invents" his companies by buying them, and blocking reasonable solutions to traffic congestion with magic tubes.

>man with zero calluses has opinions on labor

He's basically a smart woman.

This. Thats a 3rd of my fucking life just to maintain bare minimum. Im fine with spartan living bit these fucks are pushing their luck.

He didn’t say this, this is a Jew slide thread to discredit Elon

hell yeah

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