Why do zoomers worship twitch streamers?

Why do zoomers worship twitch streamers?

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Because they're too stupid to make opinions by themselves

as opposed to athletes or actors?
same difference plus assmongoloid is entertaining.

Why do humans worship celebrities/famous people in general?

money in exchange for playing vidyaa all day , they are living vicariously. im glad jermas done with elden ring finally

lack of a father figure, they need a strong idol in their lives which they can look up to.

that assmonbald?

same reason millennials worshipped the famous-for-being-famous and gen Xers worshipped bjorn

Because that's the best the modern world can offer.

Zoomer here. I’m gunna fuck your daughter in all of her jewwhore holes, you old cocksucker.


Because they have no friends


Bro, most of my generation loses their minds if Kim Kardashian takes a shit. There are a quite a few nationalists, but they're all older zoomers like me, 23 or 24. The ones born 2000 and after are fucked and act like niggers.

Give it longer hair, and it's literally Styx.


It's unironically over.


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Because they see them as outsiders that went against the grain of society soooo basically a lot like this place dunno why you're complaining.

I'm a 29 y/o millennial, I don't spend much time anywhere near kids. Is it really that rotten & widespread?

Untrue, going to an all white cookout where it's mandatory to be racist.
>t. 21 yo

Yeah it is.

why do humans worship fictional beings, like gods?

Paganism. Moslems were right, paganism leads to absolute subhuman behavior.

>calls him a zoomer
>born before 2k
Back to retirement home grandpa

No it's not. Hopes not lost.
Pretty cool. There's exceptions to everything but we're talking about as a majority.

Virtual 'friend' on your device is easier than making real friends.
The moderators for these faggots and their uberfans create a cult like environment around these worthless cunts too which kids are so easily drawn into.

there are going to be based and gay kids in any generation, but the vast majority of post-2000 kids are absolutely fucked beyond belief. my girl's 21 year old brother got a juice world tattoo. literally the only thing that can save the human race would be complete societal and cultural reform and selective breeding.

Laziness - they've been brought up to do the least amount of work possible.

always go Big Dick

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Asmongold is ok OP, he has level headed centrist normie conservative(even if he isn't) takes sometimes,which basically makes him a reactionary by twitch standards

Good little productive goy.

Yea he is some times.

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>Why do
Why do Boomers worship nigger ball players, to the point they wear the niggers name numbers and names on their clothing?

We've always had disposable heros and pied pipers. This is just the 21st century version.

Why do millennials worship youtubers?

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OP what did previous generations worship?
Boomers has weird obsessions with hollywood actors. Genx were freakishly worshiping TV stars. Millenials worship youtubers.

And you judge their twitch streamer worship?

theyre modern celebrities. no one under 20 gives a shit about scarlet johansen unless her titties are out. weak people look up to other more successful people though, and it'll always be that way

>juice world tattoo
Imagine getting a tattoo of an OD'ed nigger. Fuck.

I don't get how such an ugly motherfucker that plays normie games can have such a huge following.

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Things boomers worshipped more than any zoomer could:
>hollywood actors
>early rock musicians
>corporate brand names

Zoomers just think streamers are funny. There's fewer fangirls screaming over that shit than were in any one of the beatles shows.