Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

some new research popping up. Turn out that contrary to what I've seen frequently posted on Any Forums, it's not mothers killing their children.

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leftists when they see a baby


sids is a fake honeypot to help gain information about people who know the reason but need a different reason.

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>blah blah blah wall of bullshit
It's from childhood vaccines retard

they took the blood from newborns before any vaccinations and were able to detect the issue retard

As new parents we were genuinely scared it could happen. As experienced parents we know how it happens. And yeah, once you become a parent you see just how many of society is fucked up and not really a part of it. Retards. Disabled. Autistic. There are more of them than you think. Once day you will roll the dice. Don't wait too long, the odds start to go very bad after 30.

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>Turn out that contrary to what I've seen frequently posted on Any Forums, it's not mothers killing their children.
That was never the medical consensus anyway, posting this won't change Any Forumss opinion

Wait, you're supposed to EAT kids? And here I've been fucking them all this time

>it's not mothers killing their children.

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may not have been the medical consensus, but judging by how often I've seen pic related over the years, it sure seemed like the Any Forums consensus

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99 times out of 100 the truth is the opposite of what you read on Any Forums

sids is most often not some sort of cover up for murderous postpartum depression mom's. now, there might be some neglect involved (like women who drink and smoke are more likely to lose a baby to sids, but which indicates a behavioral disregard for the well-being of the baby), but it is often like the baby slumps against a crib or bassinet in a certain way and can't breathe. that's why today they say put baby to sleep on their stomach because they can't easily roll over into a position and get stuck

if snopes even has to write an article about it it is true.

Prove it

read the study
they compared newborn blood to make sure it's nothing environmental and to have a clean control group

I always thought SIDS was just one or both of the parents suffocating the baby in the middle of the night. You know, because it wouldn't stop crying.

SIDS looks like asphyxiation?
Anyway vaccines have something to do with it

OP is a sa(tan)tranny and he will never be a woman

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My picture being true or not is irrelevant i just want op to hang himself ASAP

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I'd like to see a statistic on the SIDS death rate if it's the woman's first, second, or third, etc child. If it's women killing their own children, SIDS will affect the first child most (it's the biggest shock to the woman, a woman with two kids will probably not kill the third once it's born, etc...) but if it's a natural phenomenon, the stats for the first, second, third kid should be roughly equal.

what is that image supposed to prove?

Haha its obvious now there is foul play

What study

Do dont see patterns well huh? Must be a new fag.

the one the article in the OP discusses duh

(You) #
what is that image supposed to prove?

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