Main Character Syndrome

That's right. Everyone else around you are just NPCs. But you? You're special. You're the enlightened and important one. The world revolves around you and you're just so smart and brave for doing the opposite of what others do. Your life really is a live action movie or video game and you deserve to be the center of attention! It definitely couldn't be narcissism to the highest degree. You have all the correct opinions. All of the experts that have invested years into their respective fields are all wrong. Just by your glancing at anonymous posts for a few minutes, you cracked the code! Because you have such high IQ you just keep figuring out all of these evil villain's plans. It must be amazing to be you, right?

Except it isn't. You're depressed. You keep failing at life. To cope, you spend too much time in your room on places like here. You live in a fantasy world and you're mentally ill. Seek help.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Posting it over and over again wont work, even if you change the stock photo.

What do you want Nancy boy?

Thank you, simulation

>be a submissive rat

Oh I see. This is a Nobody thread.
Well, you're in the wrong reddit sub. Go back a few clicks.

imagine not thinking like this.
you dont have to be negative or anything, but letting any other brain control your brain is retarded. you should only ever care about yourself and look after yourself, that can extend to taking care of a family and everything because there is logical reasons for doing so. friendship, companionship, comforts, etc.

you got that right, it's hard being me you larping internet communist

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IKR, Little bitch thinks he's going to make it out of the waiting room of hell.

It can be cluster B or your faggy stalking tactics (one is based on the other).

I don't even believe the posters who act like that are real. I pretty much doubt myself at every turn. If anything, people that think they are/can be 100% sure of something are the real NPC's.

truer words were rarely ever written on this shit board.

You're in a simulation experiencing solipsism. Now get out there and make some money

OP is a cookies reading discord tranny developer from the land where plastic beach became the apocalypse.

Almost every post here is made by your fellow jews and similar trash, repeating the same garbage and in sync with the mainstream media.

Nice try FBI

DAS RYTE what you gonna do about it NPCNIGGER?

Yes. Now return to what you NPCs drones do.

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Used to mean something very different.

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Yeup. I thought so too. Fucking desk spank.

No way CIA

Pol predicted this.
>I want to give Any Forums a heads up.
>It seems the NPCs have received a new software update and it's currently being rolled out. It's not at the stage where it's going to be boosted by the legacy media just yet (it's still in beta) but it will only be a matter of time before it does.
>It turns out that NPCs are actually pretty upset about being called NPCs (not that they'd tell you). That meme is really fucking with them. It's not just the dehumanising aspect, they malfunction when they can't find an appropriate dialogue line. It really bothers them. Simply having talking points on $current_thing isn't enough and you can see the anger on their face when they are told something like:
>"Do you believe everything your hear on the news? It doesn't seem like we're actually talking but you're reading from a script, if I want to know the news I'll just watch it myself." If you cloak yourself sufficiently as a normie, there's literally nothing they can say to that.
>Enter 'main character syndrome'. It's not even going to attempt to try to address any of the issues with the NPC and defend it, they can't. Instead, the new strategy is to attack. The idea of main character syndrome is to try to turn the tables back on you, and that by pointing out NPCs, the problem is with you. You think you're special and everything revolves around you. That's right, for having some amount of self awareness, introspection, they're going to call you a narcissist.
>I did some fair amount of digging on this meme too. It's inorganic as fuck. The closest I could find to organic growth was on plebbit but even there they resort to crossposting from places like r/publicfreakout and can't even come with OC. The most bizarre part of the research is seeing that even companies like Bumble are paying for advertising with 'main character' in it. They are definitely up to something.
>I'm going to keep digging.

We predicted the future correctly while your dogmatic "experts" told you the opposite
Science has nothing to do with authority, and everything to do with making correct predictions
You can gaslight about it, or try to move on to the next hysteria, but your authorities let you down. Your vulnerability on peer pressure stopped you from thinking for yourself and you made the wrong prediction.
That's what makes you an NPC. Your attempt at demoralization is completely hollow because we resisted the herd and we were right. That's why we aren't NPCs.
We're only special in the sense that relatively few people kept our brains instead of letting them become vestigial in favor of cell phones. Our independent brain function used to be the norm for civilized humans.

I am the main character.

Holy shit, look at the seethe OP’s post generated.

NPCs got vaxxed, I did not. Simple as.


NSA? More like big homo gay

Sounds like you're projecting, you faggy leftist soiboy, I'm married, got a nice car, money in the bank, own my own place, and we're both pure bloods while faggy vaxxed NPC lemmings like you are dieing in droves lmao

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It did indeed. I remember when we were never looked at and they all had to look at our feet just because we walked into the room. OP "They" don't know that kind of Honor still exists but never will they ever grace the white marble tile floors of the highest most high.

Actions speak louder than words, nigger. I live that main character life. You’re in your parents’ basement whackin off to trap porn. Not my problem.

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>Except it isn't. You're depressed. You keep failing at life. To cope, you spend too much time in your room on places like here. You live in a fantasy world and you're mentally ill. Seek help.
Im none of those things. Have a free (you)

Fuck off

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Right wing npc.

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I probably am among few truly human people in this world. I noticed it on a lot of occasions and if you met me you would admit it yourself. Everything seems to fall in my favor, whether right or wrong. I’m like some sacred cow to some. I’ve noticed that people seem to switch on around me it is of the most peculiar matter. Whatever I dream becomes reality user, whatever I wish becomes truth, whatever I think, comes up in music or film wise always mere moments after I imagine it.

this got old before it started