Whites in america are nothing but economic slaves to niggers

Whites in america are nothing but economic slaves to niggers.

thanks boomers.

Attached: niggers economic slavery.png (1250x833, 423.24K)

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White american men are some of the biggest taxslaves who ever lived

there are only 3 things to do in america: work, pay taxes, and consoom. there is nothing else. no one here just goes for a walk around the city for fun because every time you step outside some kike is shaking you down for shekels, everything beautiful was destroyed by either kikes or niggers, and all public spaces are overrun with felonious stinking feral niggers. We were wrong about Australia being the only prison colony. America is a taxslave colony, an open air financial prison. Niggers steal $300,000 from me over my lifetime. that is 6 entire years of salary. All white men are enslaved for 6 entire years to benefit niggers.

you have to beat them at own game. be more gibbs than dindus be. be ultra gibbs fren. then they see

Attached: frog log.jpg (500x258, 27.75K)

I would say white males are better off finding ways to make money off the books. Fuck this government.

Do you have a better quality picture? Excellent propaganda materials. Spread it whenever you can

got it from some nigger here.
that's how you get WACO'd

Waco was a whole community, Im not trying to make my house into a church, lol. The lone white male wolf will fall through the cracks and be much harder to detect.

didn't biden just hire 1 million more IRS agents? who do you think those are for? because they sure aren't for jamal.

Those hires didnt happen when the Build Back Better bill failed. It is so easy to work a part time job on the books, and have a side hustle unreported.

De Grenzeloze Verzorgingsstaat


This is a report made by Dutch scientists (all retired because no one wants to risk their career). 400+ billion Euros has been spent in the Netherlands on immigrants between 1995-2019.
On average, an African immigrant costs the state €190,000, a Middle Eastern immigrant costs €185,000, an Eastern European cost €50,000.
The only productive people are natives and immigrants from other Western European countries.

On page 73:
A Western immigrant (non-Slavic European) will contribute €42,000 over their lifetime.
A non-Western immigrant costs the Dutch state on average €167,000 over their lifetime.
The average Moroccan costs €260,000 over their lifetime.

On page 74:
A non-Western family with 30-year-old parents and 2 children under 10 years old costs the Dutch state €414,000.
Take the same for a Western family and they contribute €60,000+.

Denmark has also made a similar report:

And these figures don't include all the migrants who have received citizenship and are statistically considered "Dutch" or "Danish" nationals.

>$300,000 from me over my lifetime. that is 6 entire years of salary.

for some that's WAY MORE than 6 years, user

dieversity is leading to our impoverishment and bankruptcy. For what? To raise crime and have our daughters and sisters raped?

I used to be a fiscal conservative. But watching the US take tax revenue predominantly made white men to give to non-whites, I say rack up that debt. If Western nations are going to go into debt and go broke to feed the world and import these shitskins while the white population subsides...rack up the debt and leave the bill with the shitskins and mocha people, they are the ones why the debt was incurred anyway.

I never understood how insurance companies deal with the nigger problem there has to be some data about that right

Pretty much. That's all it's for. There is no economic benefit. All it does is keep usurious scams going while turning Western economies into weapons of genocide.

Never mind these figures. Just ceding territry to immigrants is a form of welfare, because they only come here once everything is built and established, they didn't create any of this but they certainly like to claim it as theirs besides acting as if they're responsible for establishing and maintaining it.

The West is nothing but a host to the world's parasites.

You can trace it all back to the DemoKKKrats.

Just stop being a wagie they cant maintain it if theres nobody working

to top it off you finance them raping and killing you. its very ironic. trust the nose, get aids.

Spread the data, palls! Great work

I work on bpo specializing loan approval they're being robbed on broad daylight like you wouldn't believe

It's the same in Russia. Shitholes like Chechnya get more gibs than others.