How does he still have an audience

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A bong accent buys you at least a 3 share
but yeah he's a massive fag

Literally who?

Most of his audience only watches his shit on YouTube

Why wouldn't he? We haven't made 300th trimester abortions legal yet

He doesn't. It's all fraud.

I have no idea user

I think NPCs love to stare at other NPCs

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Liberal boomer hippies love him and they get hbo with their cable so that's probably the bulk of his viewers.

This guy is definitely a kike, there has to be some evidence to back it up.

I don't think he does either
All of it is just recycled twitter talking points

algorithms push this guy on youtube and other streaming but I bet his actual ratings are trash

his garbage videos get millions of views within hours on youtube

He’s current year’s mouthpiece for his corporate masters, he lets people know their agenda with their laugh track and him waving his arms around.

purchased bots, fren

His shitck and delivery are kinda shit but if you can get past John Oliver himself the content is actually pretty eye-opening. Don't give me this liberal shit either cause he did a half hour this season on how truckers are getting fucked over by the industry.

I like the team behind John Oliver minus the joke writers. They do good expose work. Obviously a left leaning bias but they pretty upfront about that. It's a show, it's not good. It's not bad. It's not evil. It's just what it is. I think it's opening alot of eyes to alot of issues on both sides of the politcal aisle. The jokes suck and Oliver's deliver sucks. Can't stress that enough. The actual meat of what they cover though is intriguing.

>it's all fraud
literally everything in clown world is fraud, my Russian friend. I honestly cant think of anything that isn't. Maybe garage sales?

I like to think so, but then I go outside and realize most people are retarded, so it's hard to say for sure.

You do know bots exist, right? Comedy Central literally purchases view counts, therefore paying to be astroturfed to the homepage of YouTube

I havent watched john stewart in at least a decade

Bots from twitter.

Stephen Colbert looks horrible these days

Because it’s CY+7.

The majority of people are sheep to the will of the elites. They idolize them, their wealth, their power.... they want to be them... and, surprise, surprise, most people are more than willing to be MUCH worse than even the jewish fable of holocaust hitler.

It’s a bong Stu Leibowitz

>read news headline
>express incredulity
>woman tier snark
>now here’s our special guest Kike Kikenstein to discuss his new book
>white people and why they are evil

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He's a jew.

This is the only correct answer.
It's a show that makes dumb liberals feel smart because it's "le funny vulgar British Man" with a braindead audience that claps when they're instructed to do so.

When I become dictator, he gets to row a boat back to Bongistan

otoh, boomer ex-hippies are some of the
most rayciss people to ever walk the planet
oliver was born in 1977, placing him squarely
in generation X
pic related: greatest generation born in 1946

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This. I respect his investigative journalism. I'd watch him regularly if he weren't such an unfunny fag. I liked him way back on the Jon Stewart show, which itself was actually good.