I can't take it anymore

1989 has been the best year for countries in the ex Soviet block, literally overnight the whole market opened for everybody to do whatever the fuck they could to get wealthy.
>be in Romania in the 90'
>govt falls apart
>no financial police so no taxes
>literally every penny you make on top of what you invested is yours to keep
>anything goes, there is lack of pretty much EVERYTHING
>apartments in the heart of Bucharest are 14.000$ tops
>banks giving out loans with absolutely no way of getting the money back (Bancorex is the best example)
>people made millions for just bringing in soda machines

>also be retarded ignorant 20 to 30 yo faggot
>don't do anything because you're a moron
>ff to 2022, you're wageslaving just like you deserve it

Everytime I walk around the city and I spot a luxury car, I always look at who drives it. 9/10 times, the faggot has gray hairs. IT MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL everytime I look at it and think how easy (and easy is an understatement) it was to rack millions. Fellow Romanianons, how do you cope with your parents being fucking clueless back then or the fact that you've been born too late? If you never thought about this, perhaps you will next time you hop on the subway on your way to wageslave so the bank can give you a loan to pay back over the next 20 years.

Attached: 25457645-C488-46F3-969C-134179BB8241.png (657x527, 62.6K)

not my problem, should've invested into crypto

Not my problem

Sorry bro I was born in 1989 I jinxed it

Kek, is this how you're coping since the beginning of the week? I got some rope to sell you.

90's US were top kino

They are ex KGB servants and their descendants. In slovakia we have KGB list and all Slovak oligarchs are there. But many people were erased from those lists some highest cruelest Czechoslovak communist kgbs LOL

True but I'm not reffering to oligarchs. I am simply talking about millionaire normies eith no tie to politics.

It wasn't easy to become rich for non KGB people in eastern block after fall of communism lol. Those subhumans and their families were stealing everything and they wouldn't let your parents to become rich lol.

Here kgbs created mafias in 90s lol and police was/is working with mafia and they were taking money from all shops etc if you were non KGB

all you have to do is to learn to code and you can earn in Euros and spend in Lei

user, I really hope you can help me.
>be me
>earn 1000 E a month, not the best but still above avg and enough to afford a western lifestyle
>learn how to code plus diploma
>search for jobs in the industry
>oy vey , we need 3-5 exp
>serach for entry level
>oy vey, come to our (((internship))) for the whole summer while we pay you 400 E a month
>can't afford it, it would ruin me, YES THAT BAD (rent is 300)
> say fuck it and start thinking about making mobile games (see Ovidiu Pop)

What should I do? If I sound like a faggot, know that right now I am under the influence of the liquid kike

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Shut up you retarded negers. You need to kill KGB servants and not learn to code.

Tbh I always dreamed about having my own shop and have one of those faggots enter the door asking for money. I would tell them to follow me in the back of the shop where I keep the safe. Fast fwd I would proceed on feeding them to the woodchopper or the pigs, either way, I would erase any trace of them.

LOl they would kill your whole family then with explosives

>1989 has been the best year

Lucky you, it's just 1989 again. This time the west is collapsing.

Germanon, I hope you are speaking truth. It really gives me hope.

>you need to kill KGB servants
>lol they would have killed your family with explosives

Pick a lane, bro

Compfy thread user

Attached: 6727A12F-80B3-41AE-86DF-25FB62BA324E.jpg (512x768, 36.94K)

? You would kill just some young stupid wannabe tough guy from gym and not KGB

Can I place a limit order on this rope?

I will repeat
>you need to kill KGB SERVANTS
>lol they would have killed your family with explosives
Are you retarded or what, Serbro?

No, USAnon, I have plenty of stock for cryptotards. Matter of facts, I'm turning down customers without an e wallet

You are because I meant KGB servants like old servants of KGB in communism and after fall of communism KGB didn't exist but it's ok. This guy would be servant of ex KGB and you should kill him