A young mom has to deliver food while looking after her kids

THIS is why women don't want to have kids.

Childcare is abysmal in America.

Attached: food delivery.jpg (1080x918, 254.13K)

why does it have slavnigger letters if its in america chud?

probably just using the bag to carry her groceries

>Russian text
In America the woman and her children would be black niggers lmfao who cares?

>has to deliver food
With russian letters on the side of the pack

kek I feel like a redditfag but that pic reminds me of the legion slaves in FO:NV with a comically large backpack

you are not supposed to look at that part

where is the father?

>america sucks
Fucking Jews are getting lazy

And where is her husband?

we didn't fight for her bros

The difference between america and that picture is the mother in America is 300 pounds and the kids are in the car on a ipad

She should have kept her legs closed and never watched a television set.

No milkies no tip

Because it's Moscow metro.

probably working 2 jobs

Aside from the obvious text on the box, this woman is far too white and thin to be American.

Poor woman. May God bless her and her children.

The mother in thar picture has a more fulfilling, rewarding, and valuable job than any office cunt CEO with a PHD

Blown to bits when his platoon attacked Ukraine.

i knew right away this is bait
white women with white kids?
uh that's obviously not america

at least the kids are white

women created the modern system now suffer in your cradle

Damn, Americans must be in a real deep shit if they started to use Russian alphabet

where are the grandparents?

Anything women do in society, they do with men's permission

I'm mirin' the guys forearms in the back.

This is an independent women. Clearly her divorce improved her life instead of being a housewife.

Did she need to have kids? No

You know stay at home moms often run errands, right?

How Vlad, this is Moscow metro.

i have never seen a white food delivery guy here,
and i have never seen any female food delivery guy here either

She's got 3 more babies in the bag.


>Russians living to 60
>Things that actually happen
Pick one


Blown to bits when his platoon attacked Germany.

>cyrillic writing on the bag

Based Slav women, where can I order one?

it is russia tho? the bag has slavic language

I look after 4 by myself, i just teqch them to rob niggers, nobody expects 5 white girls with texas defenders in their lunch boxes.

>A young mom has to deliver food while looking after her kids
Not even having a cargobike to put those little fucker in

Attached: ta mere ubereats women.jpg (664x685, 59.69K)

She has a husband, btw her husband is 19 yo. I googled articles on the subject, and there are more than one criminal case against her for child abuse. Her name is Lada Koroleva. There is a popular opinion that she took these pictures deliberately to collect money on the Internet.

Attached: 5f2576aa02e8bd23354931d4.jpg (827x465, 124.64K)

you wish american metros would be so clean and white lmao

>Childcare is abysmal in America.
>no niggers or faggots in the picture
i dnt think thats america

There is an old saying in my shithole "¿Qué culpa tengo que te haya culiado un weón sin auto? Poor males must be banned from having sex.

I trust anyone funded by the government enough for them to watch my child

Grub hub delivers that far?

That's a real caring woman though. Quitting is not an option for her. Our babushkas were as tough. But modern generation generally isn't