He literally can not prove any of her article is untrue

>he literally can not prove any of her article is untrue
>his own text messages and admissions to witnesses prove the article is based on truth
>even then the article doesn't even mention his name
She's actually going to win. Feels good, Amber bros.

Attached: our amber.jpg (1920x1080, 323.34K)


>based on truth
So was Close Encounters of the Third Kind
So was Raiders of the Lost Ark
So was Star Wars
So was Fast Times at Ridgemont High
get the point, simp?

who is this?

Obviously it's innocent until proven guilty not the other way around.
But I honestly cannot fathom how it'd be possible for her to win this.
I'd be cognitively dissonance'd as fucking fuck.

Defamation is incredibly hard to win at normal times, but texts from Johnny saying he's crying because he let the monster out and kicked her so hard in the back she went flying, isn't a good look.

whorish wall hit enjoyer

>texts from Johnny saying kicked her so hard in the back she went flying
haven't heard of this...did he really admit to such a thing in a text?

Why does she dress like a fascist?

No one cared who she was until she put on the armband.

Why adding nazi aesthetic dress makes women look 10 times hotter and sexy?
Even single nazi logo makes amber look 2x sexier.

Attached: d9ny2kd-25b62760-e057-453c-bad7-c760e90ce38d.jpg (2048x1528, 332.76K)

Big brain take is to kill them both. Depp is a shiteyed kike, and Amber Turd is a gold digger whore. Both are in the kike industry, making anti-white movies, that alone should net both a bullet.

This trial shit is just an irrelevant distraction, and both of them unironically deserve to die, for being anti-white evil pieces of shit. Also they are old, so who gives a fuck about their bedroom stuff.

You’re a mentally ill retard and your stupid whore is about to lose what money and major roles she had. Lololololol

Attached: EF8B2151-C9EF-486D-ABE0-3D4A71150BA2.gif (257x251, 605.15K)


suck the turd out of her asshole

No. Amber Heard doesn't have supporters. She has trolls and contrarians who will gladly make shit up for a small dose of attention.

sounds pretty based to me. the whore should been kicked off the 10th floor

Attached: 166.png (1500x1500, 439.21K)

doesn't matter. she'll never work again and will be roundly hated by all

based amber, marry scott adams next

Why are NPC's obsessed with celebrities?

I see there are only 2 outcomes, she wins or they both lose and its null, he only has to have hit her one time and shes cant be done for liable, hes said he kicked her, thats it, now its just a case of if she wins 100mil