Would this happen in China?

>Good Samaritans in Boynton Beach, Florida sprang into action to help a driver suffering from a medical episode at a busy intersection on May 5. Local authorities are hoping to identify the “hero” strangers who came together to save the woman’s life.


Attached: Heroes.png (690x513, 578.6K)

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no, they wouldn't record it, upload it to youtube, and get attention
besides I think they use billibilli or whatever it's called more, which I doubt any of us go to.
but anyway yes, strangers will come together to do a good deed with no personal gain, it's a evolutionary trait that even the Chinese have (now when possible punishment or animals are involved that becomes a different story.)

Is it not obvious that it was recorded by a CCTV camera? It was released by the city because they want to find the people.

it was a traffic camera faggot
nobody was on their phone in the video
chinks on the other hand WOULD film a dying convulsing person and do absolutely nothing to help

The "empathetic American" is not your most graceful sales pitch

the leaf flag in a thread about China isn't your greatest sales pitch

As much as I may joke around on this faggot site about burgers, the average joe I’ve come across on my travels around the states are some of the best people I have ever ecountered in my life. At the same time I’ve also met some of the worst people ever over there.

oh. I didn't watch it, I just assumed.
...christ our country has CCTVs? I guess I'm just lucky to live in an area without them.

traffic cameras have always existed dumb faggot

There are more chinks in America than Canada, and they are about 5% of the population here. I could have posted with any flag and you would have had the same NPC knee-jerk reaction because the chinks live in your head rent free for some reason and your propaganda tells you that nobody else on earth would criticise America. My point is that the appeal in the OP is retarded because for every instance of something like this happening in the US there are 10 more where those people are robbing, beating, or raping someone instead of helping them. You seem too desperate to validate yourselves, not something that a supposedly superior country does. You will reply to this post not with a thoughtful argument but with yet more knee-jerk emotional performance.

Attached: 1646606195851.webm (320x564, 2.84M)

ok chang

Never in a mirrion years

yeah I haven't been around a big city in like 20 years, I figured only shit stains like the UK had that sort of thing.
it looks like there actually are like a dozen cameras in my city along the highway but when I look at them they are just still images. I can live with that.

Gottem. Too easy.

Attached: 1517882746717.jpg (699x583, 24.52K)

ching chong bing bong

Attached: 1649788523736.jpg (980x716, 362.62K)

The chinese are spiritually far more evolved thanks to their rich tradition. Impermanence is imbedded in their philosophy, life and death is both part of existing

Attached: 1633938224516.webm (1252x720, 2.74M)

Kill yourself Chang. God damn chink communist shills.

Attached: 1630177753719.webm (640x640, 1.34M)

Attached: 1638861616178.webm (480x272, 2.41M)

>People do something which people in any marginally functional society would do.
>Everyone loses their mind and acts like it's an amazing act of heroism.
America everybody.

And stop taking your western culture country for granted. The rest of the world is savage lands.