>According to Mayo Clinic, many in the medical community suspected this phenomenon could be caused by a defect in the part of the brain that controls arousal from sleep and breathing. The theory was that if the infant stopped breathing during sleep, the defect would keep the child from startling or waking up.

>The Sydney researchers were able to confirm this theory by analyzing dried blood samples taken from newborns who died from SIDS and other unknown causes. Each SIDS sample was then compared with blood taken from healthy babies. They found the activity of the enzyme butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) was significantly lower in babies who died of SIDS compared to living infants and other non-SIDS infant deaths. BChE plays a major role in the brain’s arousal pathway, explaining why SIDS typically occurs during sleep.

QRD: depleted blood enzyme shows sids kids are not aroused from sleep when they stop breathing.
Is this an eerily convenient cover for manic post-partum depressive mothers?
Especially with abortion bans the current hot news topic, are jew scientists giving cover for more infanticide?

Attached: SIDS'D.jpg (640x360, 43.91K)

Attached: SIDS-1.png (1377x5915, 1.34M)

Medfag here, the main cause with actual evidence to back it up is women putting a bunch of stuffed animals, blankets and pillows in the crib, thereby restricting airflow and causing hipercapnia.

any relation to vaccines so my schizo blog can have new info?

> analyzing dried blood samples taken from newborns who died from SIDS
and how did they get this blood? chopping up dead babies and stealing it?

came here to post this
no, irs just souless women and a gynocentric society that chooses to look away

>According to Mayo Clinic, many in the medical community suspected this phenomenon could be caused by a defect in the part of the brain that controls arousal from sleep and breathing
Yes, most babies who suffer from "SIDS" have a permanent defect in the region of their brain that controls arousal from sleep and breathing after their mothers smother them.

Attached: 1642455095478.jpg (1865x1572, 991.39K)

I think there's also child neglect. Babies die if they are not being touched, laughed with etc. Kittens die if they are too lonely as well.

70% of SIDS cases happen within 3 days of their last well check (aka vaccines).

of course the french faggot has to be the devils advocate and say "one of the parents fell on the baby" i'm telling you that doesn't fucking happen.

My 8 month old cousin died from this, it devastated my whole family, I still remember the screams of my mom when we told her.
Since that day 15 years ago I still get scared when they call at my home, always thinking someone died.
Her twin sister is still with us but I can't help but imagine life if her sister had not died.
I was 15 and it really fucked me up, I loved that baby.
I kissed her little hands and her forehead in the open casket in the wake, she was so cold and her skull had marks of the coagulated blood beneath her skin, she was very pale.
Not a day goes by without remembering her.

It's not psychotic mothers, it's vaccines
The rate for sids, as well as numerous other illnesses, is magnitudes higher in vaccinated children than unvaccinated

daily reminder that 'sudden infant death' syndrome is actually mothers pillowing their kids to death not being able to bear with the stress of their newborns

its kind of a general accepted thing and shoved under the rug, because it'd show women's true nature if it was generally known.

Hey medfag,
My wife is expecting again, last time we had the baby in our bed with us when she slept (she actually still sleeps with us at 3 years old, but we are weening her to her own bed that is next to ours)
How dangerous is it really to sleep with a baby?


Ok, now compare the blood of dead SIDS infants with the blood of infants who died any other, known way, to rule out the possibility the change in blood is caused by dying at that age. That woman who just got her baby killed in a car crash just delivered a potential non-SIDS sample, proving there are enough dead babies to investigate.

sids is mothers killing their children
that's why it always happens at night when the husband is sleeping

>a defect in the part of the brain that controls arousal

this is actually true btw

This is the correct answer. The enzyme deficiency is a real, but rare, alternative to the obvious.

Also probably true in rare circumstances but it seemes excessive to infer malicious intent when stupidity is everywhere. Compare the austerity of a NICU bed with the average home baby bed.

t. also a medfag

>that's why it always happens at night when the husband is sleeping

And the baby camera just happened to be not recording...

I agree with everything you just said, but why did you post this image

Infant loss is a hell on earth nightmare, sorry your family had to go through it fren.

Its caused by incorrect sleeping position. Doctors don't want parents to know they've killed their own kids accidentally.

SIDS is as bullshit as Abortion being classed as "healthcare" when its literally murdering a baby in the womb. Its not even the womans body, so its actually murder.

I've worked with women who suffer from post natal depression and the like. I'm no expert but they're borderline deranged. Wouldn't surprise me at all if these women lose it and kill their babies. Crazy looking back at a chat I had with a woman who lost a child to "SIDS". She was already on her next kid. Wonder if she ever thought back on what she did.
No, SIDS existed before the vaxxwave but have this webm. It also has nothing to do with the vaxx but I bet you could get people thinking it does.

Attached: 1606934656605.webm (480x480, 2.99M)

> Medfag here, the main cause with actual evidence to back it up is women putting a bunch of stuffed animals, blankets and pillows in the crib, thereby restricting airflow and causing hipercapnia.

This. The other two big contributors in reducing SIDS was the back-to-sleep campaign and keeping cats out of the nursery.

Hi medfag, is there any known cure to women?

It's vaccines.

SIDS doesn't exist. It's the mother murdering their baby by suffocating them with a pillow and then pretending that they didn't know what happened

sids is caused by vaccines.

while that's the cutest thing you could do it's also a death sentence, put him in her little bed next to your bed

Wouldn't cause of death be asphyxiation not SIDS? Same for mothers smothering children. I thought SIDS is for undetermined cause of death.

Side is fake. Babies die when mothers kill them.

The cure for SIDS is to investigate all potential cases

Isn't it possible that enzyme deteriorates after some amount of time once the body is dead?


The baby or the 3 year old?

This is actually pretty known and researched in academia, but because they write it off as an instinctive feat or something like that it just is accepted as it is.

I hate being an emoath because i started to tear. In sorry brother.

Came here to post that as well.
>all that scientifist mumbo-jumbo to cover up the real cause
It's literally whore mothers snapping and killing their babies because of stress, lack of sleep, and missing their life on the cock carousel.
This is the cost of women's freedom.

Attached: why not marrying.png (893x436, 121.17K)

user, everyone here is a top class medical expert and a woman expert too with over one thousand sexual conquests so they know what they’re talking about.

All six of our kids co-slept. Maybe it’s being paranoid as fuck and every little movement waking us up, but we didn’t have any problems. Offered as an anecdote.