Whitest cities of South America

Good morning Any Forums.
I was always curious.
What are the whitest cities of south
America ?

What are your thoughts, findings?
Any pretty women of German ,Swiss or other euro decent you’ve seen?
Is it more safe in the southern cape?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Fuck off, we're full.

what a map of cope

Sao Paolo

I know none, don't bother looking. We're full.

>nigger tattoo


But that doesn’t explain anything?
Full of what?

Today, I will remind them.

Attached: ArgentinaIsWhite.jpg (800x450, 44.41K)

My instagram is always full of white cute argentinas with blue eyes and a big ass
Is this true?

Attached: A3EBE2FA-F4B2-4688-8684-DB604481AC70.jpg (1284x2025, 1.65M)

>What are the whitest cities of south
Stanley, Falkland Islands

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These are some findings utilizing
Tinder (don’t judge me I’m just exploring)

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Why does she have period blood on her face?

Examples of what I mean

Attached: 6AE813A5-AB8C-4275-BCAA-9BB3C6F07587.jpg (1284x2778, 459.72K)

Because whiteys have shit genes

Alittle Rosacea?
Alittle flush ?
A filter ?

Attached: 28C42EC8-8B1F-4969-BFEE-A8015A021C7E.jpg (1284x1994, 1.78M)

Wow there are 47 white people in brazil, I thought it was way less

Attached: 5A8B1EE4-E59C-4A7E-8B16-5AEC17D62FED.jpg (1284x1579, 1.44M)

Zero since only anglo-bongoids are white

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I don’t know what the hell she is.

All these girls are mostly

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