Red wave status: Evaporated

Red wave status: Evaporated

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now the people who wanted to ban abortion are going to vote for democrats who want to legalize it now that it is banned
>this is what kikes actually believe

Abortion is about to become an economic issiue

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Gotta help ukraine

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Abortion, ok? For, against, 25% interest...
Economy, Ok? Is ANYONE arguing the economy is good right now?
This is dumb dumb

Gotta be safe

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Gotta help the enviorment

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there's no way dems would legitimately stay in power after wrecking our economy this fucking hard. so now they're conditioning people to accept that actually dem policies are popular, and of course they win the midterms because like student loans y'all.

When/if biden attempts to cap gas prices, it will create a spiral effect. There will be no baby formula

So only half of women say they care about abortion in polls that were deliberately skewed for leftist consensus?

no, now the kikes have a plausible reason for why their cheating the democrats into office totally makes sense don't you watch the news, goy? they big mad about abortion and thats why all those fake votes happened, i mean all those democrat voters were mobilized.

>thinking that 25% are pro-abortion
You poor child...

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Republicans care about abortion too. I’d go ahead and say that’s probably split even and won’t matter.

How long until mutts have breast viability testing so that defective titted women can abort their babies to avoid taking baby formula from illegal border crossers and ukrainians?

Oh wow that is going to absolutely fucking anally obliterate the dems. Same with the Ukraine formula thing. The Democrats never should have leaked that decision.

How easily swayed this retarded country is

>can barely afford to feed and provide shelter for oneself

This. OP is garbage data. Anyone claiming they care more about abortion or Ukraine over any 5 of these is a liar.

Anyone who votes based on being able to kill babies already was partisan to a level they'd never vote for the other party.

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It's not a top issue among Republicans. Normies think Roe being overturned means abortion is illegal now. A nice surprise to Republicans, a complete utter outrage to liberals. The people putting it as a top issue right now are guaranteed 80-90% liberals. No Republican is putting it over the economy at this moment.

Fake & gay

Abortion isn't on that list

It's funny that Ukraine didn't even make the top ten but Congress and the White House are acting like it's the most important thing ever. Since Republican congress critters are almost as bad as Democrats in this, it doesn't really favor either side.

They will spin it. They have a stronger national media machine and social media platform domination

It's from a university dimwit

Outlawing child murder is my number one issue which is why I'm voting desantis

wasn't may 1st before the leak?

Maybe if tRUMP hadn't banned Canadian imports, we'd have more formula for everybody.

That just means that you have people like me who are motivated to end state-sanctioned Moloch sacrifice.

>Monmouth university poll
Kek, young people don't vote anyway

That just means that you have people like me who are motivated to end state-sanctioned Moloch sacrifice as well as crazed leftists who want to preserve it.

Yes. It didn't make the top ten. Possibly due to the dates when the survey was made and it wasn't on people's minds yet.

I refuse to believe gun control is remotely on any voters mind right now

And then where would Canada be? Typical.

it's conducted by the university it's not literally a poll of the university grounds dumb dumb

must save the niggers at all costs

>democrats who want to legalize it now that it is banned
baby murder was not banned - the approval is being pushed down on the state, which over 50% of the states will continue to support baby murder.

Why would a union breaking up worry about elections


Found the newfag

>It's from a university dimwit
Yeah, and they polled 805 people and their margin of error is terrible. Some fucking grad student did it for an assignment and god only knows who he polled. You can lie with stats.

We already knew the totally organic abortion leak would be used to rig the midterms. Last time it was "people didn't vote for Biden, they voted against Trump" now it's "people didn't vote for Democrats they voted against abortion bans"

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Pro abortion faggots were already leftist voters dumb shit

They can't keep abortion as "the current thing" until November. Especially since we are about to see the collapse of the world economy in a few weeks.

lots of republicans and independents aren't blanketly anti abortion.

Give it a few more months of rent, gas, groceries etc. and economy will be 100%. No one will care about killing babies by the time elections are up.

>Red wave status: Evaporated
imagine believing anyone cares about abortion right now

no one is going to give a flying fuck about abortion which is split anyways religious will come out in higher number because they know baby killers will be coming out as well.
when gas is 20 a gallon and people are being kicked out of their houses and losing their jobs in oct-nov economy will be number one and you all don't know the first thing about natural law aka the so called hidden hand of the market.
the economy is going down another 30-60% specifically because of your idiot commy policies and joe bidens war he started in ukraine where he and his family own a big piece of the gas pipeline.

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It's this. That's why we need high voter turnout, so when they cheat, how can 120% of a district vote?

Dead fetuses can't vote. They need dead adults.

Why do americans give their babies artificial milk instead of titty milk?

Their media machine is fucking worthless now. Democrats actually prefer fox over CNN.

FDA is a radical communist terrorist organization their entire command structure should be tried for treason and crusified then lit on fire.

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This is what i mean when i say they'll spin it

It's more the lazy cunts that never voted are going to vote because they can't have multiple abortions instead of just using birth control. Yes, your birth control has a 0.1% chance of failing so you may have 1 free abortion to keep you harpies in line. But a 0.1% occurring twice to the same person? Fuck off and get an IUD if you can't remember to take a pill.

The only people using formula should be those that cannot produce milk or healthy (unmedicated) milk. Everyone else is being lazy.

>It's from a university dimwit
Oh so it’s even more worthless

Which means the democrat voter will no longer be able to outside of their abortion friendly shitholes. Fewer californian diaspora in texas and florida

Everyone in the west does

I dunno about that, but typically no one watches the news besides on an election year. The narrative will be on social media primarily

Dope opinion. You should write a blog post

Two entire years of covid propaganda and it all evaporated in a week. I will never forget what these "people" did to us. The distancing, the mandates, the lockdowns, the shutterings, the rationing of fucking TP, the masks, the shots, the daily figures, the daily fear, the sermons from St Fauci, all of it. Already the masses are forgetting, but I won't, and neither will you.

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I disagree, but my question is why?

>Thinking the plant won't lie a second time and kill a few babies so that their share holders can make more money

Fuck off bootlicker. The plant was already caught lying and falsifying records. They deserve to be run over the cheese grater to learn their lesson about killing babies

It's like the republicans want to lose. Kek what retarded boomers you have in charge.

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does that racism line lump for and against together?

i think racism is a big problem because people aren't racist enough. they get accused of it and back down instead of doubling down.
if someone calls you racist you should reply so what fuck off
if someone tries to make you go to racism training at work you should be able to tell them no thanks I'm already racist enough.

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Why what?

I was being satirical. Calm down