The Capitalist studies of America....I bow

The Capitalist studies of America....I bow....

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there are only three systems of governance

Amateur propaganda. The cutting edge for the last ten years has been to dress up crony capitalism as socialism and it's been working wonderfully.

American economics textbooks be like
Btw I'm pro free market

People shouldn't have rights

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the low-resolution picture is right, neverthoughsoeverless

This is more-or-less accurate though. Is there something I'm missing here?

Yeah I'm going with socialism

Based Capitalists
Cringe Socialists

This picture is so fucking hilarious


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>rewards success
Am i ESL for thinking this is a weird thing to say? Like success is a reward no? Wouldn't it be better to say ''rewards merit/performance''?

What about mixed economies?

They are gay communists

This is a gross misinterpretation of socialism and communism. Under true socialism and communism, social mobility is attained by how much you are willing to suck dick. You suck the dick of your superiors, you suck the dick of your government, and of course suck off all the Bolsheviks. And if you have any family, friends of aquaintances who don't like sucking dick, you get fucked in the ass by collective guilt. However, that might be a little better than capitalism where there really is no social mobility.

How does a guy owning a monopoly and a bank who can buy anything he wants by simply taking the money from the money printer is equal in opportunity to a wage slave?

Yeah it is weird

I suppose they mean that the opposite of reward is punish, and they view taxes etc as punishment, but it is wonky

uuum sweaty you had the same statistical chance to be born to a wealthy family as he did tough luck should've worked harder

That’s like saying I had the same chance to be born in the Romanov Emperor family in Russian Empire in 1864.
Point is that there’s ruling class that has all the money they want, they are not even rich, they simply own the entire system. And they are not even politicians, nobody elected those people.

Fucking BASED.

>by simply taking the money from the money printer
Only the state is allowed to do this

If you own the bank you own the money printer. The state will always print money because it’s fiat money

socialism and communism BTFO
i'm an imperialist neo-liberal capitalist now

I don't want freedoms to exist I want everyone to be as oppressed as possible, I want europe to look like belgian congo except that it's eurangutans who are tortured and mutilated. and I'd call it socialism

>mixed economies

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>free market
If you ask an american "capitalist" why (((blackrock))) is rich, they have a meltdown and smoke starts coming out of their ears

Is this from a homeschooling textbook, or Florida?

You will never understand America until you meet one of our millions of rednecks who complains about socialism all the time while living off of social security, medicaid, and food stamps.


you are cheering for capitalism while living in poverty

here's your bailout and complimentary child sex slave bro, dog bless ameriga


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How does he even manage to keep such a loyal fan base despite being an absolute turd is beyond my understanding.

>We want to be real communists but it's too hard so we're just going to do capitalism and larp instead

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those cult-like christians in your country are truly something else
it's how they are raised wjat makes them think like that, no wonder ehy so many believe in such things like qanon, 9/11 truthers, ideas like the communists and atheists are going for them and that they are being persecuted, that the gays and trans are secret pedos trying to brainwash children into turning gay, that their neo-liberal capitalism is the best for them, that those terrorists muslims and illegal migrants are trying to invade them, that those wars in the middle east and interventions in latin america africa and asia were for "freedom and democracy", usa has a huge chunk of them that unironically believe in creationism
this is genuine cult-like idiocy being taught from generation to generation

the problem is we have bullshit capitalism instead of the real deal.

When you bail out big corpo's even when they fucked up that's just socialism bro come on

If you keep grinding and buying crypto you too can be like Elon Musk.

They still don't work as much as him

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when will freedom cucks accept that you cant be actually free while living in a nation state, if you want freedom go die with your fellow anarchists

they've been brinswashed into thinking freedom is big corpos, big churches and oligrachs and democracy is voting for politicians that do nothing for the people, everything so they get richer and more powerful, and just hope they aren't that bad

Antisocial Capitalism and Social Anticapitalism are both awful. Social Capitalism is the way to go.

90% of the monetary mass is created by private banks at the moment they lend money (the lent money does not exist before they lend it and it is destroyed when the loaner pay it back).

Yeah, I could agree with that, it is wholesome for a society that small business and industry owners can live decently and prosper.
But it is obvious that at a certain wealth, capital owners do not share the interests, worldviews and fate that the people in the country they happen to live.
And, as those rich parasites have a disproportionate influence on media and politics, they tend to enforce ideas that are harmful to most of the citizens in the countries they live in.

So I suggest that anyone making more than 120k€ or 150k$ a year through his lucrative property should be beheaded.

I hate money. I hate finance. I hate banks. I hate bitcoins. I hate stock trade. I hate sales. I hate loans. I hate economics students. I hate insurance employees. I hate quarterly results. I hate 5 step, 7 step, 10 step plans. I hate anyone talking in finance jargon. I hate suits. I hate decadence. I hate audits. I hate consultancies. I hate investors. I hate investment brokers. I hate any company whose boss doesn't personally know each and every single customer. I hate anyone with an even slightly favorable view of liberalism. I hate international trade. I hate every single movie or series where the only discernible goal of the characters is to make money. I hate HR people. I hate business meetings. I hate fake smiles. I hate anyone who defines success in terms of money/career. I hate business etiquette. I hate """"networking""" god damn retards just fucking call it meeting with new people why does there always have to be an ulterior financial motive I'm gonna fucking kill you

the biggest cope to ever exist is democracy, the fact that politicians exist is proof that a "free" state is an oxymoron, its a hopeless goal to pursue

This is like the exact opposite of books we had in our schools lmao.

Unironically true. All Marxist schools of thought are F- genocide and famine tier garbage.

just buy the state lol

seems like you will like david graeber, sadly he died in 2020, i dont completely agree with him, but he is amazing.

how is this an argument against socialism? literally doesn't confront any of its flaws.

>Capitalists believe in individualism
Capitalism is not an IDEOLOGY. A "capitalist" is not someone who "believes in capitalism" but one who OWNS CAPITAL. But I suppose it's directed toward yanks who will not question their thorough brainwashing in the slightest.

Capitalism is the name of a system of production and of its legal acknowledgement by the State (which will send armed forces to defend lucrative properties).
Therefore, a "capitalist" can be both a capital owner or someone defending this legal system of production.

Dude, you don't understand!
Capitalism is the best!

It really do be like dat doe

It makes no sense to call someone who does not own capital a "capitalist" by definition. The only word for someone who defends it is cuckold.

Well, can't you see th marks?
I believe that in the anglo system, A is the best mark and F the worst. So their point is made

On the right Khrushchev

most sane mountain jew

Is A+ a real grade? As a kid I was told that A was the maximum grade but I kept seeing A+ in media.

But there are way fewer capital owners than proletarians and yet our legal production systems are capitalistic in nature with very few citizens advocating for a revolution of said systems.
Therefore are you saying that almost everyone, excluding capital owners and communists/anarchists, are cuckolds?

Lol, capitalism isn't even real. It was a word made to describe "not-socialism" i.e. the various flavors of free market that have already existed in human civilization since time immemorial. No one sits down and writes a book on what capitalism is and should be and then edicts the people to go out and do a heckin capitalism. People naturally exchange goods and services freely, the state then decides how much it wants to interfere.

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>Therefore are you saying that almost everyone, excluding capital owners and communists/anarchists, are cuckolds?
Yes. The proletariat have been buck broken by years of social engineering and now even people who call themselves """""""""Marxists""""""" are themselves agents of international capital. Dire situation, let me tell you.

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It's to show that capitalism is always a step ahead of its time, bringing true progress through dialectical market and technological processes
So it's an A because it's the best but it's an A+ because it will be even better tomorrow.

I'll take that as a no

I understand that you have no historical awareness because you live in a country with no past and therefore tend to think that what existed for the past 2 or 3 centuries "existed in human civilization since time immemorial" but the free market is quite new in the history of mankind.

Shut up commie

He's a yank. You can't expect much else. They are legit taught that people trading one thing for another is "free market" or "capitalism".
capitalism is using your capital to generate wealth. a farmer selling his grain at the local town for a new pair of shoes is not capitalism

No it isn't, smug moron. A caveman once traded a rock for a shell with a friend, and that was the free market in action. A cavewoman once sold her pussy for some deer meat.

The free market: the free exchange of goods and services. It's existed since human beings could conceptualize trade. It's your fake, pretentious assmilk human written economic paradigms that are superficial and doomed to constantly fail.

We have an american market system.
It isnt capitalist, socialist or communist.
Its set up like a computer algorythm that adapts. Hamilton, jefferson, franklin and adams created it.

So dont waste your time defining it any other way.

Are US "citizens" this much brainwashed?

You'll notice there isn't a single mention of the term "capitalism" in that book. It was created around the time collectivists were starting to merge heads and come up with their shit.

People have always used their wealth to create more wealth, and "capital" manifests in various forms of resource value. Cash is just an abstraction of resources, it isn't some kind of independent property. There is no "capitalism". There is only the free market, and the extent to which the state decides to interfere and control it.

t. poor Frenchnigger making poopshit wages and giving half of it away to his government to spend on various bureaucratic excesses, grift schemes, and welfare queen plantations

Bro, they are thirdies. Let it go. They are locked into these desciptors as being economic systems.

Ask them about means of production

you are historically illiterate


Cavemen traded goods.
Free market

That's a liberal bedtime story you tell yourself but in the tribal times you describe, most exchanges were not trading, they existed in a form of "free" gifts generating an endless cycle of obligations and cooperation to avoid conflict.
I suggest you read The Gift: Forms and Functions of Exchange in Archaic Societies from Marcel Mauss.

I am literally a business owner.
You are literally projecting.

god i hate america

you have to be trolling me
Trading seashells for protection is still free market..

trading is one thing
placing the economy as a value system above every other value system is another

Again, you're assuming all tribes of Earth, and incredibly varied group that kept almost no history at all, behaved like this static group under study in one use case. No. The most basic form of economy is free trade. I don't even understand how you can sit there and pretend people in pre-government societies weren't just trading shit freely. That's obviously, clearly, simply what humans do. It happens now, in poorly governed areas. Children do it. What the fuck are you even going on about? It's like I'm sitting here having someone try to convince me that clouds are actually red because here's this book by Shlomo Steinwitz saying so.

What are you even talking about

no they were tribes sharing goods to survive. the women picking up berries didn't trade them for the hunters' meat

A business owner that doesn't understand the concept of free trade, that must be going very, very poorly. Kids running lemonade stands seem to know more than you. Maybe one day a politburo will take over and mandate people have to buy shit from you though, keep your fingers crossed.

free market is not trading you fucking moron
do you even know what free market is?

i mean i think technically capitalism is a form of economy

reducing systems of governance to the underlying economic structure, ironically, if anything seems to be kind of communist thinking

You have to be trolling me
Just what

>free market is not trading

When a Mexican enters the thread and opens with this response to me, I leave, see y'all

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when elon was young, his father used to make him work in the ruby mines

good, less stupidity itt
good riddance

Jesus Christ Almighty please destroy this abomination we have unleashed unto this world.

Yeah i think they lost
Now its full schizo
Berries and communism lol

They are going full semantics

Whay does "does" mean shit

britain was the birthplace of capitalism and is basically responsible for its dominance over the world

the united states is literally a former british territory

you might as well say you hate britain and the queen

You mean the Netherlands. Please stop.

nigga im not the ones talking about prehistoric tribes. just google rise of capitalism and you see it started with the industrialization of britain

i dont hate capitalism as a concept. i hate the version of it you yanks keep pushing

I cant tell if you are trolling
I see your posts all the time
You are terribly boring
Get a life. Bye

>they are so focused on fighting other people
Based retard capitalism defender not even understanding that capitalisms advantage is the constant fight between every individual vs every other indidual to get ahead

>Getting rich and using your riches to get richer was invented in industrial Britain

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You are projecting your modern idea of individuals trading goods and services freely to times and human groups where it did not work like that. Inside the tribes, exchange of production did not work on a trade basis most of the time (I don't say that a "you give me this, I give you that" could not exist, that was just not free market, just as a brother and sister exchanging candies under soviet Russia is not free market)
Most of all, free trade as we both understand it requires the protection of the State, otherwise it would be meaningless as coercition is not trade.

Capitalism sucks, communism sucks, fascism sucks, monarchism sucks, etc.

What's a realistic system that could be implemented in first world countries after the inevitable crash and following violent uprising that will happen in anywhere from 20 to 50 years from now?

i need my favourite twitch streamer to debunk this

while its true the first stock markets may have been dutch, it was the british who both whole heartedly embraced it, as well as had the power to completely pushed its ethics upon the planet.

you can't seriously tell you believe the reason the world is capitalist today is because of the dutch

>What's a realistic system that could be implemented in first world countries after the inevitable crash and following violent uprising
Anarcho primitivism? Less by choice and more by the consequance of all the infrastructure getting fucked

what 'version' of capitalism does modern america employ that was different from industrial britain, exactly?


hey its me ur favourite twitch streamer
free market isnt a positive
socialism rewards success
private property isnt a positive
socialism has individual freedom

It did work like that, people did it. Shut the fuck up. You are beyond annoying and obtuse.

This nigga sleeps at his Tesla factory's board room sofa for a day every few months or so to PR boost himself. He doesn't work as much as he says he does.

Neo-liberalism, a bit of social capitalism to let some steam off and a good chunk of neo-feudalism, with 15 to 30% of jobs being ostentatious bullshit jobs producing no value or way less than what people earn from them.

There are benefits and downsides to any economic system and those benefits weaken the more extreme you go in one ideological direction. Also it's funny because this textbook probably has a state contract and is part of the state curriculum which means their customers are forced to buy it and their sales are guaranteed. Free market my ass.

>because of the dutch
Well, yes. It started there. But I do know that this country had been the seat of international capital for some time and I resent this fact. I do not seek enmity with any other peoples but because of the bourgeois criminal parasites that have directed the actions of this nation to violate others the people of this country are resented by others. Capitalists are scum and will only EVER act in accordance with what is morally good when they can profit from it. Defending them even at this point when they openly talk about how they plan to ENSLAVE you is pure and unadulterated cuckoldry.

>russian education

I think you lot just love to throw words and terminology around rather than understanding the actual base mechanics and components of the modern economy

As evidenced by "it's neoliberalism", holy lmao. What an ambiguous and beaten horse of a term.

No fucktard, two people trading seashells is not a free market, a free market requires social institutions to protect it.
Because "you give me your crops or I give you 10 inches of cold steel" is not free trade

that's fair, and i'm not an economics expert at all, but at the same time, it seems to me that the core components of capitalism itself haven't really changed, and the differences in the expression of capitalism today in america could largely be the result of changes in resources and technology.

so i guess im saying, is it possible rather than hating the form change of capitalism, which probably had to adapt to thrive, you just hate the world today, which itself was largely affected by capitalism itself

>Capitalist studies of America
>Confederate States of America


This thread shows why we need another Pol Pot.


Based Czech mate on statists

i don't disagree but it is pretty difficult to not participate in capitalism in america at this point, due to inflation and cycles of poverty.

if you aren't involved in the stock market in america, your lose money as your wages no longer rise with inflation.

on the other hand, if you participate in the market, you get raped by the manipulations of banks and devour the retail investors.

there's really nothing for the lower and middle class american to do. most own very little property, they rent apartments, and any property they have, like cars, are bought with loans. so many lower and middle class americans are pretty much locked into a permanent rental system.

so while i agree that capitalism is cuckoldry and evil, its not obvious to me, outside of a widespread social movement, what the working class can do about it.

i dont believe the world today has anything to do with neo-liberalism. neo-liberalism doesnt cause capitalism to thrive it causes oligarchies

So many real argument to be made in favour of a marker economy and mutts always come up with the most retarded ideas

>The free market: the free exchange of goods and services
This didn't existed since ever.
Trade yes, free exchange? Obviously no

again im not an economics expert, and there seems to be a shit ton of definitions of neoliberalism.

would you be able to briefly explain why neo-liberalism causes oligarchies, but 'traditional', which i assume is 'free market', capitalism does not?

Fuck off

That's your problem, you are mistaking direct sell of production, where the workers get the full price of what they produce with capitalism, where a share of what workers produce goes to a owner who does not have to work.

I agree with you and I understand that people are forced to participate in it. Anti-capitalist ideas are not a "lifestyle" trend as it is not reasonable to demand from others or even oneself to break from this system immediately from all sides. We are made to be dependent on the system so resistance to it is difficult or even impossible. It's a field in which we consider how we can live together in ways that are more favourable to us than they are now. It should tell you something that they push so hard with the brainwashing and propaganda, that they have infilitrated and DESTROYED so many socialist/Marxist movements by poisoning them, especially with this tranny intersectionality shit we see today. They do NOT want ANYONE to show the way to another world because it IS possible.

It's not a school textbook, retard

Oh great a thread of foreign retards who dont realize freedom of expression is in the definition of means of production telling Americans about their economic system

You cant have communism or socialism without free speech,gay marriage and freedom from repression

China and ussr were fascist larping as something else.

What are you blabbering about?
Are you high or something?

Fuck you

> it's actually an economics journal for American adults

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classical liberalism = weak state that stays out of the economy
neo-liberalism = strong state that meddles in the economy to further the interests of big businesses

red scare and its consequences have been disastrous for america

>being aware of the jew has been disastrous for america
oy vey shalom rabbi

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Grow some skin or get off 4 chan you worthless moron.

Fucking russian janitors

fuck you janny

>is too stupid to realize that you get the same result regardless

hold up... let me just go check on my zucchini plantation, all 23 plants of which shall provide sustenance as i weather the coming cold winter


it is ironic that these creature who claim to care about global warming and the ecosystems of earth hate natural law so much.

they want to save earth on their terms, and they demand nature adapt to them. they are doomed to fail.

natsoc is inevitable.

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Unfortunately the invention of the Corporation has corrupted the vision of the founding fathers, and the existence of a reserve bank has poisoned the money supply.
The American economy is a lot like a kid on a sugar diet. Lots of energy but suffering from malnutrition. So focused on good returns for shareholders that it has no resilience or diversity.
If you want to buy something that’ll be useful as currency in the future, I suggest canned food, bullets, and water purification tabs.