
Damn ...

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Don't care about the mentally ill ravings of some attention faggot. Especially one who doesn't understand the crypto market.

musk is bald.

Is Elon Musk the new Drumpf?

permanently online people projecting their twitterverse onto the rest of the world need to be gassed

Oh no that sucks...

If you're anti PC and make a bad investment you're le fash

Don't they realise they're driving people that way? I'm watching all this sjw stuff as a civil libertarian cringing.

Fuck off with this twatter shit
OP is a faggot

How do you not realize at this point leftists are completely toxic, mentally ill, house niggers of kikes who will destroy everything around them?

>people like me

Oh good. For a moment there I thought she'd forgot to be a woman and not make everything about herself.
Close call.

Litterly Wu?

This creature shouldn't bother itself worrying about what people far smarter than it do.

Good morning Mr. Pedo.

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omfg but muh fascists
quick we need to empower the feds to monitor them and declare war on white supremacy
oh wait we already did

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Alternatively they cut their cocks off and act like lunatics, i'll take the fascist zoomers thanks.

Same difference.

lol tell her that Jesus Christ is here and coming back to bring unli gamer bread

>the banks run by you know who
>even when you fully support jews you cannot name them

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>They will blame the financial system for financial issues
>This is fascism because they want to also have a stable home
"Socialists" just want to create a dividing line against those who are the actual working class because they know how fucking useless they are.

I don't know who. Please tell me who runs the banks?

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