German Uniform

Does Germany deserve to have sharp uniforms again or should they suffer for some more? hahahahaha

>Coats shortened
>Parade helmets made out of plastic
>Gay looking boots
>British beret (lol)
>No Schirmmütze
>No saber, knife, dagger or sword for officers
>Uniform for pregnant women

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Every EU country should have the same uniform so they can stop larping as sovereign nations.

Why can't they just let it go? Will they torture you forever?

They should have advertisements on the uniform.
Officers get McDonalds logos and Soldiers get other Globohomo logos on the jacket.

These uniforms always struck me like the ugliest shit out there to not give anyone ideas that army is cool. Remember watching merkels send off and the parade had a lot of fat retards marching in the front. Its a humiliation ritual for the german people.

post real german uniforms

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West german border guard with G1 FAL in 7.62 REAL FUCKIN NATO

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Early war photo with a good look at the panzer 1

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Germans literally do not have a military. They have the Bundeswehr which is just a meme organization and has about as much function as that brigade of dudes we used to patrol military graves. The only coherent force in the People's Republic of Germanistan were the special forces, who were all purged recently for being "nazis".

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ask Boss for another comission

Nachtjagdgeschwader pilot reading a map

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west german troops training with a gavin

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small uniform

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Tyranny 101.

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What could have been....

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don't cry because it's over
smile because it happened

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Uniforms are meant to make Germany look weak, because spiffy uniforms might make them nationalistic.

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man and pigman

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Then the US also needs to share a common uniform that the gays in California and San Francisco gets to choose.


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it's just so sad. What I wouldn't give to live in that alternate timeline

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yes agree with the kloothommel! we will never wear fucking wooden shoes! they don't go well with lederhosn.

you're not alone

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they are ugly by design aren't they?


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jews are spitting in your face with it, just like the big fat chicken in your parliament.

Probably got those gay uniforms after 1991.

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based man looking fresh in a real german uniform

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