Russian war crimes

Russian war crimes.

Attached: Russian war crimes.webm (640x360, 1.13M)

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>russians acting like russsians
Color me shocked

>muh heckin warcrimerinos

I wish they just carpet bombed children instead
>t. Madeline Albright.

fakes news.
the video stops and the guys who are "shot" keep moving.

fake as shit.


Attached: 205-2053543_transparent-zoroark-png-zoroark-png-download.png (860x625, 76.11K)

Also in the full version in the end there is a guy in pigkranian uniform with a pigkranian flag ebmlem! walking alongside of the supposed Russian soldier. Ukranians are so retarded due to mixed raced ancestry what they still didn't managed to make at least one high quality fake, everything just dissolve in the second you try to have a closer look into it.

Genocide of these “people” is the only solution.

Attached: Russian war crime.webm (1280x704, 1.48M)

oi vey.. the shooter is actually ukrainian. how could this happen trannysisters?

Attached: 1652401735659.png (933x689, 709.4K)

How are Russia the cowards who aren't playing fair when the Ukraine are literally assassinating Russian generals using information from zogbot google satellites and with US arms?

Uh, no. One guy gets up and stumbles back into the guard house. He is bleeding from his abdomen and looks in shock. He fumbles with his cell phone and bleeds out.

he didnt die instantly you idiot, so he crawled

Post your real flag pussy

>posts picture of some dude with zero context
>he’s the shooter guys look at this random photo of a man in camo!

Attached: C1AABC3F-3E98-46EC-9A13-757618A9400E.jpg (1024x1024, 177.55K)

CNN man,
fake news.
you all said so for years.
plus the video looks fake and staged.

video is fake, just like sandy hook.
just doing the Any Forums shuffle.

crisis actor most like.
CNN is real news now eh?
fake video
fake war.
sandy was a hoax.
just dong what you guys do!

shooter born in Kiev
Body Armor stopped being used in 2014
Even his facebook page is nothing but "Slava Ukrania etc"

>He was Russian. Oi vey. Eagle and Bear. Holocoaster and lampshades and acid rooms oi vey

Those could be fucking martians given the second cameras quality.
Also who can i ever trust anything from america after the iraqi wmds, kuwaiti babies and syrian gas attacks?

Attached: Conspiracy.webm (400x400, 647.02K)


schizo faggot

Why will they show footage of russian murder but if its bypasser footage of the aftermath of a terrorist attack they dont show anything? I hate how selective they are, theyll stage the immigrant boy photo dead on the beach but will never show photos of victims of islamic attacks.

Man how much of a absolute nigger animal you have to be to share a smoke with a man, and then thirty seconds later shoot him in the back like a fucking coward.

Attached: 1633647500683.png (640x640, 131.73K)

God, I wish that was true

Typical russkies
>pretend to befriend you to make sure you're unarmed
>wait until your back is turned
>still only manage to kill one of them outright
>immediately flee the scene, no doubt giggling like schoolgirls while they do

Where's the full video?

american war crimes

during war, shit like this happens.

That is Russian armor, what is your point?

Russians are subhuman, this has been common knowledge for about 75 years now

>obtained by CNN


Yes, but is it gay?

Seriously kill yourselves

Attached: 1649596353338.jpg (596x900, 132.52K)