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Same here. There is no alternative to russian gas. Good people are coming to their senses.

WTF why does he want to survive in a world where russia exists? We are all supposed to freeze

It's not over until the German Union (referred to as EU) decides what to do.

But you're still getting gas? Putin cucked out.

They don’t have a choice. Ask BASF. Stalling only prolongs the inevitable.

Once again the west has no teeth.

Really tired of these "paying in rubles" memes.
All it means is that country deposits euros in Gazprombank and then bank coverts euros to rubles before sending it to russian exporter recipient.

trannies gonna get mad

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Imagine relying on other country's to survive

Good, now pay

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Simple asssss


nice one Ivan. now tell me
how to do with Yuans

Europe giving your their currency while increasing the value of the rubles at the same time seems pretty good.
Rubles is going to be more value after the sanctions that were supposed to end Russia in a month.

sanctions will be rolled back by next weekend


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you must invade poland again

I have no idea.
They have been doing it for decades. They are still doing it. Nobody is "paying in rubles". Weird PR quagmire.

Holy shit! I don’t give a fuck! Death to Ukraine! death to Russia!

russia is globohomo, idiot.

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Wrong. Putler is forcing each government to independently amass and then cart over vast piles of bullion for each litre they purchase, like an American paying the jockey at his or her local petrol station

>Really tired of these "paying in rubles" memes.
there is no difference if payment is in rubles or euros, its just posturing for rus internal audience
its funny when Any Forumstards try to explain that it actually matters other than a PR stunt lol

what a cute little hoe

yes we can, and we will

xrp solves the dormant capital problem

that's not how it works lmao

And that is a tipping point for the world
The EU is an American puppet
We have used our influence to make the EU sabotage their own interests because a strong EU is actually bad for America
Pitting the EU against Russia is a huge win for America
If Germany leads the EU to reject this and actually act in their own interests...
Daddy war bucks not gonna be happy

>We built a system that absolutely depends on russian gas and ignored our own laws to do it
Fixed that for you

That's exactly how it works.
European companies are doing currency trades before making their actual purchase.
What's the point of lying at this point?

u are all around with the same shit

Even though I will end up facing and paying for the consequences of all this, I love to see the americans and West in general get put in their place, and be reminded they are not the only powers in the world.

because it's fact, user.

that isnt' changing the core component of why people don't want to do this

Its putting eu money under control of russian banks where they could just refuse to givei t back or "sanction' it

Its essentially russia trying to do to europe what europe did to russia

>one rusky represent the whole Russia
ok tranny!

Cope you little shit
Germany has no reason to be antagonistic to Russia
They only act this way because the US pushes them to
the result is a worse outcome for Germany and Russia

Ruble is only used within Russia therefore it doesn't fucking matter.

We'll just pretend we're mad and then make money selling them advanced defense stuff we have backdoors to destroy while we play "hide the backdoors from china's hackers"

why aren't you fighting for globohomo?

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Trust the plan

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See how people change their mind when they are directly impacted. Bunch of hypocrits all of them.

Once again, what's the point of lying at this point?
European companies not only now have to send their payments to Russian banks where Russia can control it like the ones the West stole from Russia, but also have to buy rubles with their Euros before making the purchase.
It is already at pre-sanction levels and rising.

Western Europeans and Americans have no skin in the game

OMG OMG. what a bunch of traitors!!!
> Who are they betraying?
Ahh. The US interest of course. What did you think? What did you think its? Its for the nation? Teehee. Omg. The nation state is so 20th century concept. We are living in modern times.

False, emotionally we are as or more invested than anyone. This is an inarguable statement of fact

Fuck you ukrainian piece of shit.

Its not what they said when the price of life was still the same.

Why not, this will impact your empire too.

yes because they are under the thumb of the victorious powers of WWII
They are waking up and seeing they should act in their own interests, not ours

Yes and make sure it will be destroyed completly this time.

Ironically enough the fall of the American empire will likely result in an increase in the standard of living for every day Americans
So many of our recourses are funneled abroad now to maintain the empire
the heartland rots

Stop using my flag you goddamned bong

>It is already at pre-sanction levels and rising.
>on heavily manipulated market*
Let's see what Belarusian banks think on the matter?
>135 rub for $1

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