Happening Maybe

So is anyone else's flight canceled? Because apparently everyone across the whole country is getting them canceled, mostly on the east coast?


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Other urls found in this thread:


Don’t worry about it

Fpbp. Also I'm getting real sleepy for some reason, anyone else getting sleepy?

monitoring thread

Running out of oil commercial flights get cancelled before shipping flights

Whelp that settles it, we're fucked aren't we? Skimming the collection of replies employees seem to just cancel everything and are even leaving. What is going to happen today?

don't forget the spy plane that crashed in Virginia

this is 22 hours old

The latest batch of tweets are 7 hours old and are not talking about southwest. Flights won't be open again until tuesday.

russians were jamming GPS in Europe?

Alaska Airlines employees are picketing. they are short on pilots. don't know about others yet.

solar flare related?

Cyber attack I bet. That was the next on the list of reset agendas right?

schitzo thread

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Multiple airlines. Multiple reasons


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>goes to 4ch
>reads twitter post
>another anons monitors the monitoring
Let me know.

K-keep me posted

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I'll be monitoring your monitoring of the monitors

I’ll be monitoring this thread/topic

Just a training exercise.

Alright, here's my schizo take:

Remember the flight that went down recently in China?
What if I told you this wasn't an accident?
It did happen after all after China showed explicit support for Russia.
What if China cooked a little revenge or at least the US government expecting it?

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This, there were queues at the petrol stations here yesterday but nothing about it on the MSM (unlike last time)

monitoring you as we speak, keep me posted


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>What if I told you this wasn't an accident?
You'd be lying.
Ding ding ding ding! Correctamundo!
What do I win?

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probably something with the 737s or jews, niggers, faggots, or women.

gonna take a nap to channel my energy for the happening to happen

Had a flight from NC to NJ canceled on me Friday

i live in the middle of new york state and the local gas station has no kerosene. it snowed last night and is 32 degrees out.. not good for people who can't afford fuel deliveries


Yes, this isn't normal.

God damn it, really? Is that fucking old bastard Biden really not going to open up the coal and oil?

The Twitter complaints look more than just American based. Though not as pronounced. Can't quite call it an oil shortage of it's happening with Asia air or British air as well

Copy that.
going dark until further intel received.