We Wuz Alive n Shhheeeiiit

Was splat albert or the no scope nigglet the best nigger death of 2022?

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Splat Albert the best actual death. No scope niglett the best post death reaction on video. But it's still early days yet, still 9 months to go!

what's the story with this kid holding a gun?

future crakkhed schkolla

yeah man, fucking everytime faggot OP expects us to know everything, post a fucking link you subhuman.

We're due for another floyd this May, these are just fun little warm-ups

uhhhhh what? OP give us link or backstory. fucking moron

Look at lil homie he would have been drowning in white teenage pussy.

Attached: Rerun.jpg (900x900, 97.46K)

its the one whos cousin shot him then herself at a party

Dude. That's a fucking tough one

it really do got a nigga like dat tho

The cousin shooting the kid and then instantly offing herself was by far the most Kino and uplifting video I've ever seen.
Maybe there is a God, after all.

Studying to be a music industry armorer

Anybody got the no scope webm? Or a link to the vid?

all of those guns look like they're made of plastic or is it just me

How do American niggers get access to so many fancy guns at a young age

OP is a faggot and a zoomer. They live on social media all day and expect everyone to know the shit they do.
Zoomers cant source or context because they dont know how

It's a short and funny story user, i won't spoil it for you.


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Nigger nopes out.

>How do American niggers get access to so many fancy guns at a young age
guns are not too expensive. Thas less than 7,000 us dollars worth of guns- bought new. Black market- maybe 5,000 or less.