Would you transition for money?

would you transition for money?

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Join the NSA and get to play with cool tech

Join the NSA and get to play with cool tech

Sure. Pay me all the money in the world.

Furry > trans

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i already transitioned, i need to move to cali

>say you're a woman
>don't try to transition at all
>get free money

If anyone questions you just call them a bigot

Fuck no.
I guess? Problem is of the sheer amount of overlap between the two groups.

Furries are werewolves and trannies are vampires

I wouldn't move to California even for $1000 guaranteed per month. I don't even know how they have the money to do this shit when they already have a budget deficit in the millions.

Which city, you inbred mook?

found the tranny

yes I am non-binary

Shouldn't troons and furries be enemies then?
Again, a lot of overlap between the two. Unless we're counting the troon furries as hybrid abominations.

Moving to Cali and declaring im non binary. Ezpz. Abuse the system boys! Run this corrupt tyranny to the ground!

i would lie to get free loot.

You don't have to doing besides claim to be trans or NB so I will be happy to make up a fake label and keep on living a normal life for cash to fuck with their new proposal.

Money is worthless when the only thing that matters to you is money.

Seems so trivial that we hated furfags when we have real enemies now.

The world would be best off in 100% of furries and trannies died over night.

I looked it up. Apparently palm springs is assigning income "as high as" $900 dollars.


Fuck no

California will not even give me a shut in food stamps because they just said I don’t qualify but they are willing to give tranny faggots ubi just because they are trannys faggots. I hate this state so much

Palm Springs, CA, $900 a month

Probably about covers that place's gasoline costs.

Also CA: identify as woman, get put in female jail

Do something coward

Hot as balls all summer. 110-120