Has America gotten so bad they have to encourage you to tip your delivery driver and not rob them in the same note?

Has America gotten so bad they have to encourage you to tip your delivery driver and not rob them in the same note?

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nope just people who think dominos is good

There is going to be a collapse in the "gig" economy
No one actually needs people to pick up / drop off fast food

What's the delivery charge for then?

I hate tipping culture.

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Food delivery is a fucking ripoff.

that's more to let you know that they won't be able to break large bills for change

>carry less than 20
as a former delivery driver, that is total bullshit. I never had more cash on me at any point than when I was working as a driver. It's all in the bank these days, 5 bucks should be the norm for tipping a driver

Just do away with tips altogether. They are not sensible. You don't treat service people like dogs to give treats to for being a good boy (and you shouldn't do it for dogs too much either, only it's often fun for them and a way to communicate effectively to them).

>5 bucks should be the norm for tipping a driver
y tho

No tip should be the norm. It's such a stupid system.

wtf does everything need tipping for? can't you just pay salaries, like every normal country in the world does?

Why is everything so gay bros

Cause you wanted it delivered for a reason, 0 as a tip is nigger tier and 5 bucks is ok but when I was driving it was enough to make the number of deliveries I could complete in a night as my stores fastest driver worth it. We bust our ass more than you might think

This guy gets it

The company pays you, it shouldn't be up to customers to subsidize your crappy job with low wages.

It's funny because you think employers give a shit about their employees.

"Tipping culture" is really "inadequate wage culture".

I'm not tipping if they put a delivery charge. simple as.

It used to be for gas when pizza places used to have dedicated vehicles but now I think its just an add charge for profit..

Not sure why I expected an intelligent response explaining your reasoning since you didn't in your first post. Not just "bcuz" stretched into a few sentences.

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>deliver pizza
>we bust our ass
fucking relax dude. if you don't want to have to worry about being able to feed yourself on tips, don't get a job (or second job) that is reliant on tip money.

I stopped getting food delivered when they started charging delivery fees

Blacks, asians and mexicans NEVER tip.

they literally pay you 3 bucks when you pick up your own pizza
their pan pizza is the best pizza you can get from a big chain. Either make your own pizza or visit your local shitalians fag.

Purpose of tipping was supposed to reward hard work, then it was warped into subsidizing wages and servers/delivery drivers feeling entitled to charity from moving food from point A to B.

i dont order food because im not a retard consoomer but what is the point of a delivery charge if you still have to tip?
isnt the delivery charge supposed to go to the driver?
people are fucking stupid to pay for this shit.

Nigger. You are a dirty nigger. Delivery drivers don't choose to work that job. Some people don't get the luxury of choice

see No more company vehicles because they kept getting robbed outright, now they just make some teen slap a dominos magnet on their roof and get robbed, rather than risk company property

For the hassle of having to package things, deal with drivers and the overlapping of inhouse with delivery tickets, I'd guess. Something of a "you are causing me a headache" fee?

Google says, "For a store to offer delivery it has to employ drivers. This means the store has to pay almost twice as many employees than if we only offered pick up. There has to be some kind of fee for this extra service to make it somewhat worth it for the store." Basically they're passing expenses on to you so they have the option to deliver pizzas to you, which I'm guessing is the majority of their sales in the first place.

tl;dr: They're fucking over customers for profit

yeah they do, it's the fucking Pajeets who NEVER EVER tip

I'll tip a driver 5 bucks, but agree with getting rid of the tip culture altogether. A fucking waiter/waitress bitching about getting 20 dollars on a 600 dollar bill after 2 hours can go fuck themselves

How do you even make money when you use your own car and waste your own gas? Seems like a shit entry job.

>The American Dream™

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Tips are based. It means the hardest workers get paid more. Would you rather tip for service or be forced to pay more even when the service is bad? Without tipping, people would be forced to charge more to cover payroll. At least with tipping, you get to decide who deserves a little extra and how much

found the no tipping niggers. Delivering is what actually made me racist. I didn't have a problem with blacks before, but they wanted every single fucking cent back no matter how far you drove to their ghetto

Flawed logic. You choose where you work. The luxury is having a car at all to be able to do what they're doing.

I deliver pizzas and its always the poorer people who tip the best. Rich fags usually give you 45 for a 44.97 bill and say keep the change.

Cant handle the heat then get the fuck out of the kitchen nigger
i'd wager every karen bulldyke niggerbitch that complains about fast food service would die in 5 minutes on the floor, at a properly functioning chain not staffed by niggers that is.

You should take this as a sign to stop eating shit food.

t. 3rd world

In civilized countries, we tip but of course that isn't comparable to the black pagan 3rd world country that is called the USA.

I dunno about that, man. Fast food fans are pretty lazy as is. Have you ever seen/smelled their bad hygiene?

I stopped eating dominos over a decade ago. Also, if I want pizza I just do carry out. And only if there’s a good deal or I have a coupon

I stupidly took a job in domino's delivery not too many years ago. They only paid 6 an hour which was better than the possible 4 at other locations and we depended on tips. A few dumb fucks didnt know we rely on tips. 5 bucks was a decent enough tip. Under 3 was an insult

>means the hardest workers get paid more

Not really. Lot of people tip 20%+ for even baseline food from A to B service because culture tipping is so ingrained.

>Would you rather tip for service or be forced to pay more even when the service is bad

You never really get good service any more, since servers feel entitled to your money. For example the pizza delivery guy in this very thread literally does his job and expects at least $5 in tip despite getting paid by the company.

And anyway, look at Japan. They don't do tipping, the service is still good, you just wave the worker over and get what you want.

Except people don't notice or care when you try your best and are legitimately exceptional

Found the nigger looking for gibs lol. You did your job, your company paid you, fuck off for doing baseline work.

How does tipping work there? Are you paying 20% of the bill to someone who is basically just filling up your water?

tip is a scam to make you pay the driver instead of the company.
It the same thing with minimum wage amazon and Walmart jobs.
Pay shit wages and make the take payer subsidize the rest. The government should go after these people.

i saw an ad today offering money back for picking up instead of ordering delivery. i thought that shit was just a joke

We got paid under minimum wage like a waiter. Wtf ya we need the tips

How the fuck do you get an entry level job without a vehicle. Even mcdonalds requires you to have an phone+transport to work. Fucking dumb niggers. Think about your life without these things and how impossible it is to get income

Fucking speds. Go outside and really try to understand that nobody will treat you well. You are the problem. Go volunteer and find out who is the lowest rung. If you're so well off what's wrong with 5$ ?


this is what happens when you have to design a message that is going to be read by both white and brown people
>we need to appeal to the oversized compassion of white people so that we can pay our drivers less
>but we also need to discourage black people from robbing them so that we can reduce our drivers' turnover rate
fascinating really, these are the kind of artefacts that future archeologists will put in museums

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Hilarious that profit driven corporations expect me to pay their employees for them.

Equally hilarious is that girls actually expect me to eat pussy.

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because niggers

Sorry you took a job that underpaid you, user but relying on charity is not the way to go.


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Hedonistic industries flourish in depressed economies

The hardest workers do get paid more. I’ve been doing pizza delivery for a while and there’s no question in my mind I’m the fastest driver in the city. I have basically the entire city memorized with best routes and everything. I shoot for a 3-5 dollar average on tips, but of course, not everyone tips. So basically, the more orders I take, the more money I make and I need to be fast to lap the other drivers so I can scoop up those orders. As a result, people get their food faster, so the ones who do tip based on service tip more. Either way, I am getting paid more for working harder. If I got a flat hourly wage, I’d get paid the same as all the lazy and stupid faggots i work with and I’d have no incentive to pick up their slack, which I would probably be forced to do anyway

I don’t care, I’m not a nigger that demands my food be delivered as fast as humanely possible because I have an extremely high time preference. All I care is that the food gets delivered, I would gladly pay higher prices to not have to deal with the headache of tipping some entitles faggot tying to guilt trip me into paying him extra for doing his fucking job.

I agree that the tipping scam is just a way the company can pass responsibility to the consumer but. Its just how it is and there is the advantage that there is an opportunity to get paid more than possible from the company with a big tip. Are you even american? Do you ever eat at a restaurant?