Why does Any Forums claim to hate Jews but constantly make apologetics for (((car companies))) who constantly lobby to...

Why does Any Forums claim to hate Jews but constantly make apologetics for (((car companies))) who constantly lobby to make sure that the goyim stay put in their cars that can only go on government roads and need to be registered with the state?

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I just got a bmw and i have complete freedom. Imagine being on a train next to smelly crackheads and drunk natives lol

Kill yourself leftist

But bikefags and pod cucks travel on the same government roads.

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>get stabbed
>get hit or roal coal'd

>i have complete freedom

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I rode the bus to work for a year and a half. It was late constantly, and the routes were awful.

nobody ever talks about big bike

>gas station runs out of gas

For me, its niggers OP. Plain and simple. I actually think bikes are based and trains and buses are great concepts! But its the niggers OP. They infest both concepts and im not legal to conceal carry. Bikes also get stolen by niggers.

that almost never happens
some areas might see a shortage once in a decade, and even then it's a matter of high prices and lines over no gas at all

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go back to r/Can'tAffordACarCauseI'mABrokeArtsMajorSoIHateThoseWhoHaveMeansOfFreedomToTravelQuicklyAndHaveABetterLifestyleThanMe

I dont hate jews i hate kikes.
But i wouldnt expect a faggot kike like you
To know the difference.

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Fuck off nigger. I like cars. I like driving them. Fixing them is fun. You are a pussy woman. Suck on my soot faggot. I run everything straight pipe with 0 emissions equipment, especially diesel cars I have.

its the daily thread this one post this id asshole makes every fucking day about mass transit.


>dude trust me, you're totally owning the (((meat jew))) if you eat bugs! it's red pilled to eat bugs now guys!

I want to beat you senseless.

As opposed to you vouching for controlled travel, the same licensor and taxes?
Where you coming from, lad?
Enjoy your freedom to individually travel and fuck off back to it, k? Thx! Bai!

I drive a japanese car in a rural area. Faggot OP blown the fuck out.

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I drive a german car in the suburbs.

Car centered living is necessary because of niggers. Eliminate niggers and spics, then you can have an old-fashioned “walkable” city.

Fuck off and go back to Red dit with you public transportation bullshit. I’m never going to ride the public transportation with the stinking pigs, homeless that use it for a campground, mentally ill that shit, piss and expose themselves, and the fucking thugs that assault people. PS: Oh, I forgot the junkies shooting their drugs and the hobos and alcoholics puking. Fuck off with your disgusting libtard shit.

Who the hell do you think owns your disgusting public transportation imbecile?

Without a car you are stuck to living in one city, and in order to get to another city you have to either walk or ride public "transportation". I'd rather not be on a bus or plane with other humans, it's disgusting.

Driving is an active task. It consumes time and energy.
Riding a train is a passive task. Someone else is driving you, and you can sit back and read a newspaper, or get some work done on the train. You're also not alone, you can actually talk to other people and meet people.

Well kitted 4vys, esp older solid wackxle ones can go almost anywhere not just govt roads. Also only a problem for citycucks.

It's because Any Forumstards like to think that they are the APALACHIAN BVLLS who will taliban their way into being powerful while at the same time hating absolutely anything resembling collectivism. They like to imagine that they will one day by the men in suits while reading smut written by an idiot who thought she was on the level of Aquinas and Aristotle.
pic rel is what the average Any Forumstard looks like

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Yeah but a train only goes on tracks. In my car I can drive over mountains, into forests, across deserts. I can't stand being a passenger, I don't like reading or watching movies and I spend the entire flight just staring at the seat in front of me. I love driving, I was a trucker until I quit because I will never work again, but driving is more fun than most other things in life.

Why don't we just kill the politicians and build our own roads?
Seems like that would be easier than riding the rail in a car full of niggers or biking to work for mister sheckelstein.