Ukrainian girl rape in Norway

>Be 17yo Ukrainian girl.
>Escape to Norway because of best gibs.
>On arrival approach by 25 yo serial rapist.
>Come to my home little girl, free kebab and hisha.
>Ukrainian girl: hihi yes, I will.
>Anal and oral rape commence.
I would also like the dox on rapist since the norwegians are trying to memmoryhole

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was it shitskin

Europeans are unironically welcome here to escape from the shitfest they've created as long as you dont bring the niggers with you

>was it shitskin
We don't know yet, but since no further info has been released about the perp it's were likely. Imagine the first thing you do when arriving in Norway is hooking up with an afghan shitskin and get anally raped...

It presumably happened at an asylum center, so yes

>Ukraine is fighting for this

Why were you snow people so niave??

So the news will tell you details about being anally raped, but leave out the part about the attackers age, race, height etc? I’ve heard it’s bad in the Nordic countries, but is it really that bad?

Thank you to Jews for killing wh*te men.

OP source?

>Ukrainian girl: hihi yes, I will.
>>Anal and oral rape commence.
stopped feeling sorry at that point.
women are the retard untermensch parasite and need male ownership.

i don't know anything about this story but having read about the nordic country rapes, the british rapes and the infamously hushed "no go sharia zones" i assume the mere fact that it is said here that the attackers race, isn't mentioned is a giant confirmation that the perpetrator is AT LEAST ""asian"" aka middle eastern, if not at the very least a blacker than black african nigerian zombie.

not even kidding but situations like these where the law couldn't be relied on is what actually gave rise the mafia, gangs and clans. how much longer till we start hearing of a
"racist, right wing criminal gangs" that goes around killing innocent law abiding immigrants that simply want to improve their new homes?

Well if they’re trying to memory hole then you know for sure it’s a shitskin. She would have been better off surrendering to Russian soldiers, they would give her food and shelter,

I hate Scandinavians

Dude her country has been ravaged by war. She was young and naive, shes not thinking shes in predator land, she thought she was escaping predator land. Luckily she’s been hopefully redpilled, and knows The west is evil,


always is

happened in tromsø, fucking pieces of shit ruining the north

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>but leave out the part about the attackers age, race, height etc? I’ve heard it’s bad in the Nordic countries, but is it really that bad?
It's changing rapidly, but I assume you think it's better in the US? The same law applies in Norway to. The more time passes before you are told of the ethnicity of the perps the more likely the perp i som kind of shitskin. The perp must be coal dark by now...

>young and naive in ukraine
ok look retard, she's ukrainian. at age 17 the average ukie woman has already fucked like 10 guys

What do you think? Kek.

You are responsible for this.
You allowed your countries turn into shitholes, I think of Sweden now like I do may African country.
You were always a dim witted race of idiots anyway, enjoy the results of your stupidity.
It should be violention of human rights to send women and children to a fucking shithole like Sweden where they are prey for your deliberate intake of fucking Muslims.

article on nrk says he contacted her on social media and she met him at his house, so not likely a shitskin. but you probably don't read

shouldve married a chinese man

>You allowed your countries turn into shitholes
Listen to some scary shit: Normie are normies and do what they are told. Rightwingers are autists and individualists with no power whatsoever. I have already been rejected by society because of my opinions. It's time to get the fuck out mr meme flag.

It doesn't matter, Scandos are autistic retards anyway.
They are like robot humanoids

Norway/sweden are such shitholes, lol

>he contacted her on social media and she met him at his house, so not likely a shitskin.

Why would you assume he isn't a shitskin? You lost me there....

the autistic retards live to the south of trondheim, actually

Does the sun rise in the east?

You are an individual with your opinions. That doesn't make you special nor does it make your opinions valuable.
Anyway Russia will end up invading and slaughtering you soon so there's hope.

it's fucking tromsø, probably some drunk incel loser who can't find a gf at UiT

>the autistic retards live to the south of trondheim, actually
Ah we got some welfare leech with an American vpn here...

Is the weather nice and are there Castiza women?


>it's fucking tromsø, probably some drunk incel loser who can't find a gf at UiT
You are one dumb mother fucker mr american vpn. The perp is awaiting sentencing for the rape of 3 children under the age of 14. hur durr it's probably some uni incel hurr durr

She went with him cuz wanted dark meat
Like the ukro whore in Germany that kicked a Nigerian and Moroccan in that hotel

Meanwhile simps and cucks cryin whaaaa Muh shitskins cuz a hole did t pick them.

Well you let them vote. Gave the freedoms.

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Me first

>Is the weather nice
The central valley has a weather similar to vallalodid in Spain, while the pacific has a climate similar to the australian bushlands dont worry about the caribbean tho, its niggerland, and yes, there are castizas

What the fuck, i just looked into some data, there are by capita, 4 times more rapes in sweden than in mexico

>ukraine whore fucks an invader
>Pol defends her
Truly embarassing

Wrong. The southeast is the only really liveable place in the country, the rest are welfare recipients and really low IQ people. Picture villages with 500 people doing nothing.

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>not permit wamen speak or have authority over man.

Christcucks fillet suffragettes March, organize from 1848.. christcuck simps gave them vote first in Fucking 1869 Wyoming.

>it’s Da joooos

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A British girl literally admitted to being in love with a Pakistan who fucked her when she was 14. She got pregnant twice but aborted the 1st and gave birth to his kid the 2nd time. And now eurocucks pay for that half-paki kid

Thats not how the meme works you inbred nigger

This is still more respectable than masterbating to point, which is what most Finnish men would prefer to do

>You are an individual with your opinions. That doesn't make you special nor does it make your opinions valuable.
>Anyway Russia will end up invading and slaughtering you soon so there's hope.

Sperging out! Strawmen and broken logic. Why do you use the deus vult flag?

never said he was in uni himself, more likely late 20s loser who has no direction in life and has resorted to fucking children. there are many such incel degenerates in norway. just wait for more details to be released